June 12, 2017 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location
1.2. Publication of meeting
1.3. Roll Call/Excuse Absent Board Members
1.4. Approve agenda
1.5. Next meeting: The next regular meeting is 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 10, 2017, in the Boone Central High School Library. An agenda will be kept current in the Superintendent's office.
2. Questions/Comments By the Public
3. Reports
3.1. Recognition
3.2. Board and Administrator Newsletter
3.3.1. Construction Update-Furniture, sale, Floor/paint/tiles, wrestling mats, fitness equipment
3.3.2. Classified salaries
3.3.3. Principal salaries
3.3.4. Lunch prices increase for next year
3.3.5. Board Policy Update and Handbooks-Need for special board meeting for policy and handbook updates and contracts
3.3.6. Trainer contract work-still working on this
3.3.7. Welding instructor pay-still working on this
3.3.8. My schedule-June 20th and 30th-Mrs. Hardwick visiting
3.3.9. Graduating class information
3.3.10. Curriculum purchases-One time Wonders reading purchase because we were short materials because of larger class size in reading. Specialist curriculum purchases and advanced math textbooks.
3.4. Board Committees
4. Action Items
4.1. Consent Agenda
4.1.1. Approve financial reports and payment of bills
4.1.2. Approve Minutes of May 15, 2017 Regular Board Meeting and May 25, 2017 Special Board Meeting.
4.1.3. Approve a 3% increase in salaries for the middle school and high school principals for the 2017-2018 school year.
4.1.4. Approve a 40 cent increase on the base hourly rate for classified wages for the 2017-2018 school year.
4.1.5. Approve an increase of 10 cents for lunch prices for the 2017-2018 school year with a K-5 lunch costing $2.75 and a 6-12 lunch costing $2.90.
4.1.6. Approve additional reading materials for the Wonders Reading program at a cost of $14,016.31.
4.1.7. Approve purchase of specialist curriculum materials at a cost of $20,072.30.
4.1.8. Approve purchase of high school math program additional materials at a cost of $9,093.
4.1.9. Approve purchase of two wrestling mats at a cost of $25,673.
5. Questions By the Media
6. Adjourn