April 14, 2014 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location
1.2. Approve agenda
1.3. Approve Minutes
1.4. Excuse Absent Board Members
1.5. Next meeting: The next regular meeting is 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 12, 2014, in the Middle School library in Petersburg. An agenda will be kept current in the Superintendent's office.
2. Questions/Comments By the Public
3. Reports
3.1. Recognition
3.2. Board and Administrator Newsletter
3.3. Elementary Principal
3.4. Middle School Principal/Curriculum Director
3.5. High School Principal
3.6. Superintendent
3.7. Board Committees
4. Action Items
4.1. Approve financial reports and payment of bills
4.2. Approve the teaching contract for Kristen Husen for the K-5 and 9-12 art teacher position at BA9 Step 2.
4.3. Approve the teaching contract of Amy Thompson for the 9-12 media position at MA Step 7
4.4. Approve to increase the Olson/Wolf loan request amounts to $5,000 per year per request with a maximum of $20,000 for 4 years and the allowance of $5,000 for a fifth year for a maximium of $25,000.
4.5. Approve changing Joelle Feeney's contract FTE from 1.0 to .8 for the 14-15 school year.
4.6. Approve the purchase of a "Scout" vehicle from Kayton International at a cost of $7622.
4.7. Approve the teaching contract for Connie Henn as middle school art teacher at .3 FTE at BA9, Step 8.
5. Questions By the Media
6. Executive Session
6.1. Motion to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel.
6.2. Motion to come out of executive session.
7. Action Items (Continued)
7.1. Approve the continued employment of non-tenured certified staff with completion of first year of teaching: Megan Bode and Stacy Petersen.
7.2. Approve the continued employment of non-tenured certified staff with completion of second year of teacher: Katie Stone, Stephanie Knust, Michael Volker, Dustin Nielsen, Kristen Evans and Tina Sauser.
7.3. Approve the continued employment of non-tenured certified staff with completion of third year of teaching: Stacy Gragert, Hayley Reikofski and Rachelle Spence.
7.4. Approve extended contract/additional service agreement days for the following certified employees for 2014-15 school year:
Kathleen Gladem-2,
Lisa Groth-2,
Whitney Jones-14,
Dustin Nielsen-20,
Lynne Webster-20,
Kay Flanagan-10,
Megan Bode-20,
Sherri Kelley-5
7.5. Approve pay for summer hours for the following certified teachers for the summer of 2014: Kristen Evans-Paid hourly as needed, Tina Sauser-Paid hourly as needed.
Approve the Superintendent's recommendation for continued employment of Principal Tim Hamilton for 2014/15.
7.7. Approve the Superintendent's recommendation for continued employment of Principal Jimmy Feeney for 2014-15.
Approve Superintendent's recommendation for continued employment of Principal Erik Kravig for 2014-15.
8. Adjourn