August 10, 2015 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location
1.2. Approve agenda
1.3. Approve Minutes of the July 20, July 22, and July 25 Board Meetings.
1.4. Excuse Absent Board Members
1.5. Next meeting: The next regular meeting is 7:30 p.m. Monday, September 14, 2015, in the Boone Central Middle School Media Center. An agenda will be kept current in the Superintendent's office.
2. Questions/Comments By the Public
3. Reports
3.1. Recognition
3.2. Board and Administrator Newsletter
3.3. Elementary Principal
3.4. Middle School Principal/Curriculum Director
3.5. High School Principal
3.6. Superintendent
3.7. Board Committees
4. Action Items
4.1. Approve financial reports and payment of bills
4.2. Approve move to suspend two reading policy and to adopt revised board policy Regulation 4220A and Policy 4250 as presented and to repeal the existing 4220 R and 4250 policies.
4.3. Parental Involvement Policy:
i. Hold Public Hearing to discuss, consider, and receive input on the Parental Involvement Policy. The public will be given the opportunity to present information and opinions on a proposed Parental Involvement Policy.
ii. Discuss, consider, and take action to alter the Parental Involvement Policy and then adopt the policy as altered, or to reaffirm the Parental Involvement Policy.
4.4. Bullying Policy:
i. Review bullying policy.
ii. Discuss, consider, and take action to adopt an amended Bullying Policy, if determined appropriate.
4.5. Attendance Policy:
i. Review attendance policy.
ii. Discuss, consider, and take action to adopt an amended Attendance Policy, if determined appropriate.
4.6. Multicultural Review:
i. Annual status report to the board of education.
ii. Periodic assessment of the multicultural education program.
4.7. Student Fees Policy:
1. Review of the amount of money collected from students pursuant to, and the use of waivers provided in, the student fee policies of the District for the 2014-15 school year.
ii. Hold Public Hearing to discuss, consider, and receive input on a proposed Student Fee Policy. The public will be given the opportunity to present information and opinions on a proposed Student Fee Policy.
iii. Discuss, consider and take action to adopt a Student Fee Policy and to suspend the two reading policy.
5. Questions By the Media
6. Adjourn