June 16, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Reminder to public of Open Meetings Law
1.3. Roll Call
1.4. Verification of Notice of Meeting
1.5. Approval of Agenda
2. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the consent agenda. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
2.1. Consider approving 16th May Regular Board of Education minutes and 22nd May Special Meeting minutes.
2.2. Approve Payment of the In & Out Claim (Each month the In & Out claim will be voted on separately so that there is no conflict of interest by Board Member Kroeker)
2.3. Approve all other Bills and Payroll
3. Reports
3.1. Principal
3.2. Activities Director
3.3. Assessment Coordinator
3.4. Curriculum Coordinator
3.5. Technology Director
3.6. Superintendent
3.6.1. ESSER III Funds & Return to Learn Plan-COVID.
3.6.2. Facilities
3.6.3. Staffing
3.6.4. KSB Policy Access
3.7. NASB Update/Report
4. Public Comment
5. Discussion Items/Action Items
5.1. Discussion of PCS Safety & Security Plan with PCS Administration and Perkins County Sheriff's Office representative. The Board may vote to move into closed session under the provisions of LB 84-1410 for the purpose of discussing deployment of security personnel and devices.
5.2. Accept staff resignation of Janet Huff.
5.3. Approve the 2022-2023 Activities Director contract of Mr. Dean Friedel.
5.4. Approve the 2022-2023 teaching contract of Sophia Arensdorf.
5.5. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve classified staff hourly pay increases ranging from .10 cents to $1.35 for individual employees as determined by the superintendent, and a salary increase of $2,050.00 for the Director of Maintenance.
5.6. Review, consider, and take all necessary action to approve proposed food service program prices for the 2022-2023 school year as follows: Elementary breakfast $1.95; Elementary Lunch $3.20; Jr-Snr High School Breakfast $1.95; Jr-Snr High School Lunch $3.65; Adult Breafast $2.35; Adult Lunch $4.15 (this is a $0.15 cent increase for each meal program). Extra milk $0.75; 7-12 Extra Entree $1.50.
5.7. Board review and discussion of legal advice (Executive session possible for some or all legal advice).
5.8. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on the Step 4 grievance appeal presented to the Board of Education, pursuant to the Negotiated Agreement and Board Policy 4013, and render a decision on the grievance appeal. (Executive session possible for some or all of the grievance hearing and deliberations.)
5.9. Board deliberations. The Board may enter into executive session to enter into deliberations for the prevention of the needless injury to the reputation of an individual, for the protection of public interest, and to conduct its quasi-judicial role as a decision-maker in the grievance process.
5.10. Review and discuss the following annual policies: #5001 (Attendance & Excessive Absenteeism); #5045 (Student Fees); #5054 (Bullying); #5057 (Parental Involvement).
A) Public Comment
5.11. Hearing on Proposed Student Fees Policy #5045
A) The board will receive public comment on the Student Fee Policy at this time. B) Approval of Student Fees Policy
5.12. Review, discuss, and take all necessary action to approve the required 2022 changes to Board of Education polices and forms: #2008 (Board Meetings); #2010 (Preparation for Board Meetings); (#3003.1 (Bidding for Construction, Remodeling, etc.); #3004.1 (Fiscal Management for Purchasing and Procurement using Federal Dollars); #3012 (School Meal Program and Meal Charges); #3057 (Title IX Policy); #5012 (Testing & Assessment); Public Comment Rules (2000 Series Forms).
5.13. Review, discuss, and take all necessary action to approve optional or recommended Board of Education policies: #6021 (District Criteria for Selecting Evaluators to be Used for Special Education Evaluation - Recommended); #4056 (Resignation of Staff - Recommended); #4064 (Transporting Student in Employee Vehicles - Optional); #6037 (Selection and Review of Library Materials - Optional).
6. Board Committee Reports
7. Executive Session
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to enter closed session. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
8. Adjournment
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn meeting. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.