July 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM - July Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Reminder to Public of Open Meetings Law
1.3. Roll Call
1.4. Verification of Notice of Meeting
2. Consent Agenda
2.1. Consider Approving the June 17, 2024, Board Minutes
2.2. Approve all Bills and Payroll
3. Reports
3.1. Elementary Report - Mr. Reisig
3.2. Jr./Sr. High School Report - Mr. Pettera
3.3. Activities Director Report - Mr. Cole
3.4. Curriculum Coordinator Report - Mrs. Bishop
3.5. Technology Coordinator Report - Mrs. Seiler
3.6. Assessment Report - Mr. Jolliffe
3.7. Superintendent Pay Transparency Act, update, filed and posted by August 1.
3.8. Superintendent Report - Mr. Jolliffe
3.8.1. Investment update
3.8.2. Facilities Update:
Elementary remodel - on target - Aug 1 Jr./Sr. HS remodel - on target - Aug 1 Cameras, doors and keys - Ongoing (End of July?) Pritchett Bleachers - Being installed this week - Railing Installed Elementary Gym - Ready for repair and refurbishing HS cement project - Began July 8 - entrance to FB field and track Elementary Playground - July 29th - Rain has delayed other proj. HS Roof - Started July 9 FFA Building - Waiting on sewer/water install, then pad, then bldg. |
3.8.3. Budget Update - On Schedule, Working on 24-25 Budget, Next Steps...
3.8.4. Strategic Plan Roll-Out
Open House events and start of year activities - Yard Signs, Banners, Classroom Posters, T-shirts, pens, pencils, magnets, etc. - Newspaper article - Social Media - Staff training - Monthly themes - Respect, Excellence and Pride |
3.8.5. Activities Update:
- New HS Boys Basketball Coach Hired - With Assistants - Mr. Pettera will oversee Jr./Sr. High Boys BB - Jr. High Boys BB position open until filled - Hiring procedures clarified and in place - Weekly meetings scheduled with AD or Mr. Pettera - Coaching checklist streamlined and reviewed with all coaches - Outside coaches - Procedures and areas of significance - Outside Activities Accounts will move to internal accounts. |
3.8.6. NASB Non-Incumbant Workshop - Attended in Ogallala
4. Public Comment
5. Discussion Items/Action Items
5.1. Review, discuss and approve the lunch/breakfast fees, activity fees and event pass fees for the 2024-2025 school year.
5.2. Review, discuss and approve the terrazzo floor bid from Concrete Floor Systems of Denver, Colorado of $39,505 to diamond grind and seal the floor and cove of the Jr./Sr high office area, commons and PE hallway.
5.3. Review, discuss, and take all necessary action to approve the required 2024 changes/revisions to Board of Education Policies: #2006 (Complaint Procedures), #2008 (Meetings), #2009 (Public Participation at Board Meetings), #3003.1 (Bidding For Construction-Federal Funds), #3004.1 (Fiscal Management - Federal Funds), #3011 (Transportation), #3017 (Press Releases), #3032 (Copying Fees of School District Records), #3033 (Lending Textbooks of Children Enrolled in Private Schools), #3053 (Nondiscrimination), #3059 (Audio and Video Recording), #4011 (Employee Leave - FMLA), #4053 (Conflict of Interest), #5001 (Compulsory Attendance and Excessive Absenteeism), #5004 (Option Enrollment), #5005 (Option Transportation), #5008 (Pregnant or Parenting Students), #5035 (Student Discipline), #5049 (Firearms or Weapons), #5052 (School Wellness), #6025 (Student Cell Phone or Other Electronic Devices), #6031 (Emergency Exclusion), #6036 (Reading Instruction and Intervention Services)
5.4. Student Conduct Review in collaboration with County Attorney (on or before August 1 - §79-262)
6. Executive Session - The Board of Education reserves the right to enter into executive session for the protection of the public interest, or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if the individual has not requested a public hearing.
7. Adjournment