January 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Reminder to public of Open Meetings Law
1.3. Roll Call
1.4. Verification of Notice of Meeting
1.5. Approve Agenda
2. Conflict of Interest Statements
3. Election of Board Officers
3.1. Election of Board President
3.2. Election of Vice-President
3.3. Election of Secretary
3.4. Election of Treasurer
4. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the consent agenda. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
4.1. Consider approving the 16 December 2019 Board Minutes.
4.2. Approve Payment of the In & Out Claim (Each month the In & Out claim will be voted on separately so that there is no conflict of interest by Board Member Kroeker)
4.3. Approve all other Bills and Payroll
5. Reports
5.1. Scott Erickson, President, Weathercraft Company
5.2. Principal
5.3. Curriculum Coordinator
5.4. Activities Director
5.5. Technology Director
5.6. Superintendent
6. Public Comment
7. Discussion/Action Items
7.1. If necessary, consider action to approve the removal of Jayson Bishop as authorized signer for General Fund, Building Fund, and Depreciation Fund signature cards and authorize new board president ____________________ as authorized signature card signer for the General Fund, Building Fund, and Depreciation Fund.
7.2. If necessary, consider action to approve the removal of Chris Fryzek as authorized signer for General Fund, Building, Fund, and Depreciation Fund signature cards and authorize new board treasurer, _____________, as authorized signature card signer for the General Fund, Building Fund, and Depreciation Fund.
7.3. Consider appointing Superintendent to be the District's representative for all local, state, and federal programs
Recommended Motion(s):
Approve Phillip Picquet to the District's representative for all local, state, and federal programs through 2015. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
7.4. Consider approving Designation of Authority to Superintendent -Authorize Superintendent, Superintendent Designee to use board approved signature stamps on monthly claims/payroll
Recommended Motion(s):
Approve and designation of authority to superintendent, superintendent designee to use board approved signature stamps on monthly claims/payroll. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
7.5. Consider approving ESU 16 2020-2021 ESU Contracts as follows: A. $336,946.00 for Special Education, Early Childhood, and School Age Children Services. B. $23,000.00 for Distance Education Services. C. $26,107.00 for Licensed Mental Health Practitioner Services.
7.6. Approve Mrs. Nicole Long teaching contract for the 2020-2021 school year.
7.7. Review, discuss, and take all necessary action to approve a Consulting Service Agreement with First National Captial Markets, Inc. for an engagment fee of $10,000.00.
7.8. Review, discuss, and take all necessary action to declare repayment of Wheatland Industries LLC refund of $44,252.12 for the 2017 tax year as a financial hardship to the school district and provide that repayment be made over a five-year period.
7.9. Annual Committee Appointments
7.10. Discuss draft of the 2020-2021 School Calendar
8. Board Committee Reports
9. Executive Session
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to enter closed session. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
10. Adjournment
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn meeting. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.