July 12, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location
4. Recognition of Visitors
During this time visitors may request to the board the opportunity to speak at the appropriate time. The Board then allow for Public Comments. Each speaker will be limited to 5 minutes and all of the Public Comment time will be limited to 30 minutes. An exception will be made for those speakers appearing on the Agenda as presenters.
4.1. ESU 7 Presentation
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Minutes
6.2. Treasurers Report
7. Admnistrative Reports
7.1. Budget and Finance Report
7.2. Personnel and Staffing Report
8. District Reports
8.1. Technology Report
8.2. Maintenance/Facilities/Transportation Report
8.2.1. Discuss Equipment Needs
8.3. Board/Committee Report
8.3.1. Building and Grounds Report
9. Discussion Items
9.1. Bus Routes for 2017-2018
9.2. Back to School Night and Ribbon Cutting - August 17
10. Action Items
10.1. Discuss and take necessary action on updated Board Policy
10.2. Discuss and take necessary action on Handbooks for 2017-2018
10.3. Discuss and take necessary action on Fitness Center regulations and rates
10.4. Discuss and take necessary action to appoint Pekny and Associates of Columbus as Auditor for District Accounts
10.5. Discuss and take necessary action on surplus of equipment
10.6. Discuss and take necessary action on the disposal of surplus equipment
10.7. Discuss and take necessary action on repayment of inter-fund loan
11. Set Dates
12. Adjournment