July 13, 2015 at 7:40 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Recognition of Public Notice of Open Meeting
1.2. Recognition of Posted Notice of the Open Meetings Law
2. Roll Call
4. Bills As Presented By the Superintendent
4.1. Apple Ipads $11,200 Depr
4.2. Body Worx $16,252.41 (Depr Bus Ins)
4.3. Gov Connection $1,344.49 (Depr)
4.4. Band Shoppe $2,098.23 (Depr)
4.5. CEI, (Camera update) $32,578.80 (Depr)
5. Building Maintenance Fund Bills
5.1. Karr Tuckpointing $16,632.00
6. Financial Report
7. Communications from the Public
8. New Business
8.1. Board needs to review 2015 Board Goals
8.2. Board needs to consider paying $30.00 Bond payment.
8.3. Board needs to consider accepting the resignation of Mia Rassmusen. (Kithchen)
8.4. Board needs to consider approving revisions to Policy 606.06 R4,
8.5. Board needs to consider adopting Student Fees Policy as presented.
8.11. Board needs to consider adopting revisions to Policy 706.03 as presented.
8.14. Board needs to consider accepting option student report as presented.
8.15. Report from Building Committee
8.15.1. Heritage, Initial bid for destruction, Board needs to consider ownership of SW wing of Building
8.16. Superintendent's Report
8.16.1. Budget Process update
8.16.2. Area Membership August 27, Kearney
8.16.3. Summer projects
8.16.4. NRCSA membership?
8.17. Review Board Calendar
9. Adjournment