May 15, 2017 at 12:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda | |
Vision: Learning for All…. Learning for Life
Mission: The mission of Cozad Community Schools is to prepare students to be lifelong learners and productive, responsible citizens by providing a quality education in cooperation with family and community. Values - Guiding Principles Respect - Trust, appreciate, celebrate, value, act with urgency Integrity - Do the right thing, deliver highest quality instruction and practice full accountability Teamwork - Teamwork at all levels districtwide, recognize and celebrate, have fun and enjoy Innovation- Positive attitude, open to new ideas, Courage - Embrace change and take calculated risk, encourage others, communicate directly with respect |
2.1. Call to Order, Roll Call
2.2. Nebraska Open Meeting Law, Publication of Meeting
This meeting has been preceded by advance notice and is hereby declared to be in open session. A current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted on the N.E. wall of the meeting room. Notice of this meeting was given in advance by publication in the Tri-City Tribune and posted on the Cozad Community Schools website and at the District Office. Notice of this meeting was also given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. |
2.3. Excused/Unexcused Board Member Absence
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
2.4. Approval of Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board of Education invites you to offer comments during the public comments portion of the agenda. This is the portion of the meeting when members of the public may speak to the board about matters of public concern. When you have been recognized, please stand and state your name and come forward to the front of the board table. The board will generally allow a total of 20 minutes for the presentation of all public comments. Individuals may speak only one time, and must limit comments to around 5 minutes. If there are more than 4 individuals who wish to address the board, the 20 minutes will be divided equally between the number of speakers. These time limits may be changed by a majority vote of the board members in attendance to extend the time for a specific item or speaker. For additional instructions on public participation, brochures are provided for you to view. A copy of Policy 2009 Public Participation at Board Meetings is available upon request.
4.1. BBeckenhauer Report
1. Now the shift in the year in full swing for preparation for 2017-2018 school year. a. General maintenance and up keep of building will occur over the next 10 weeks. b. Completion of hiring staff for the next school year: math, and agriculture c. Professional development opportunities for administration and staff d. Completion of the Master Schedule 2. Summer credit recovery program will run tentatively from May 24 to June 20. 3. I, along with the other administrators, will be attending the following events in the next month: SWC Leadership Summit, our own administration retreat, School Law conference, and the Strategic Leadership Conference. 5. Activities: a. District B-4 Golf meet @ Ogallala, May 15 b. State Track and Field Meet @ Omaha, May 18-20 c. State Boys Golf @ Lincoln, May 23 -24 |
4.2. BRegelin Report
5/15/2017 Board Report- Brian Regelin
Summer Projects-
4.3. D Henderson Report
Looking Ahead: + Wednesday, May 17th- CCS Retirement Reception, HS commons. + Thursday, May 16th- Last day for students, 11:30 a.m. dismissal. + Friday, May 19- Half day evaluation of elementary MTSS plan with NDE. + Thursday, May 25th- SWC Leadership Summit, Minden HS. + Tuesday, May 30th- Summer AZ starts. |
4.4. JBeckenhauer Report
CEEC: *TPOTs came back with very good scores. We met with Patti (our Pyramid coach) on May 8th to review the results. *Upcoming Events: ? PreK music program May 16th at 6:00 in the HS auditorium ? Farm Day May 17th from 8-11 SPED: *Steve Milliken’s visit went well. He spent about 2 hours in the district. Good conversation and visited a couple of classrooms. *We received funding approval from NDE to move forward with the elementary playground expansion for adaptive playground equipment. That is on the list to complete this summer. |
4.5. D Evertson Report
Report Goals: 1. Updates on 201718 CHS student device program 2. Updates on 201718 CMS student device program 3. Elementary technology curriculum update 4. Approve student and staff device leasepurchase from Dell Financial Services L.L.C. 5. Approve sale of used iPad 2 devices to Classform Education Technology Services ? Review 201718 CHS student device program ( ? Options for CHS students/parents ¦ Students currently leasing iPads may ? Continue to lease ? Abandon lease to school ? Purchase current leased device ¦ All students will be assigned a Chromebook device for 1718 ¦ As per CHS handbook and Board Policy 5151.1, students may bring their own electronic device if they choose ¦ Existing iPads will be available for classroom use in carts ? Change in device rationale ¦ Chromebooks (similar to laptops) are felt to be a more suitable academic device for MS and HS students. ¦ Chromebook costs are significantly lower (about 60% cost of iPads) ¦ Repair costs are much lower for both school and students ¦ Student activity and use is more easily monitored ? CMS program is essentially the same as CHS, with the exception of: ? There are no leased iPads for CMS students ? CMS students are not allowed to bring their own devices to school, except for personal phones, which can only be used outside of class times. ? Elementary technology curriculum updates ? Focus will shift to digital citizenship and coding instruction ? Elementary device update is targeted for 201819 ? Details of Chromebook and staff computer lease/purchase ? Replacement of up to 12 staff computers ? Approximately 280 CHS student devices (34 year lifetime) ? Approximately 230 CMS student devices (identical to CHS devices) ? Includes 12 chromebooks for lunch services and staff ? Disposal of older iPads ? Approximately 150 iPads in good condition (56 years old), fair market value is $65 each ? Approximately 100 iPads with broken screens, fair market value is $10 each ? Packaging and shipping is included in sale
6.1. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Minutes of the April 17, 2017 Regular Board of Education Meeting
6.2. Condolences, Congratulations, and Correspondence
Congratulations to Dr. Joel Applegate, Superintendent on receiving his Doctorate Degree at Kansas State University on Friday, May 6, 2017.
Staff Appreciation Thank yous from: Kelli Teahon, Peg Butler, Teresa Osborn, Amanda Rossell, Karen Klein, Dawn Beans, Amanda Ogden, Jann Kloepping, Nan Sims, Stephanie Rush.
6.3. Classified Resignation
Retirement resignation of: Carol Jacob, Food Service, effective August 1, 2017. |
6.4. Salary Advancement Applications
Drew Danielson - Intro to ED Research - 3 hrs. - UNK - Summer 2017 Mark Messner - Instrumental Techniques and Procedures for the Music Classroom - 1 hr. - University of South Dakota - June 21-23 Mark Messner - Instrumental Literature Reading Sessions for the Music Classroom - 1 hr. - University of South Dakota - June 21-23 Mark Messner - Trends and Best Practices in the Instrumental Classroom - 1 hr. - University of South Dakota - 4/25/2017
6.5. Standing Reports
6.5.1. Bond Fund Taxes Report
6.5.2. Building Fund Taxes Report
6.5.3. General Fund Taxes Report
6.5.4. Substitute Reports
6.5.5. Nutrition Services SNP Claim for Reimbursement Summary April 2017
6.5.6. Bus Route Averages
7.1. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.2. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the transfer of $4,000.00 from General Fund to the Athletics Activity Account
Final transfer from General Fund for the 2016-2017 school year.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.3. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Financial Reports and Claims
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.3.1. District Treasurer's Report
7.3.2. District Financial Report
| Depreciation Fund
| Bond Fund
| Building Fund
| Employee Benefit
| Student Fee Fund
| Hot Lunch Fund
| General Fund
7.3.3. Check Journal General Fund
$3,600 - Advance Education Inc - Annual Improvement Network Fee $1,626.75 - Amazon - Learning by Doing books for EL teacher trainings $4,164.78 - Cozad Services - Labor and Materials to replace the water source heat pump in Mr. Ross' room $2,292.54 - Follett School Solutions - new library books for EL $16,062.04 - Harris School Solutions - Annual fees for AptaFund, Employee Services Portal (digital paycheck stubs, W2s), Attendance on Demand (time cards) $1,542 - Student Assurance Services - Annual premium for student accident insurance
Total Claims: Payroll: $747,002.43 AP: $117,713.37 Total: $864,715.80 |
7.3.4. Check Journal Lunch Fund
Total Claims: Payroll: $24,314.99 AP: $32,660.45 Total: $56,975.44 |
7.3.5. Activities Financial Report
7.4. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Resignation of Certificated Staff
Resignation of Alicia Umland, Special Education, Cozad Elementary, effective at the end of the 2016-2017 contract year
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.5. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Text Book Adoption for 2017-2018
Elementary School Total - $3,979.22 (all Science) Middle School Total - $28,630.25 (all Science) High School Total - $27,745.11 (Science $23,432.53 and FCS $4,312.58) GRAND TOTAL - $60,354.58
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.6. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on approval of the Dell Lease Proposal for Chromebooks and Staff PC's for the 2017-2018 school year
Dell lease proposal which would cover all Chromebooks and staff PC needs for next year.
The total cost for 500 student Chomebooks (both HS and MS), 12 staff Chromebooks, and 12 staff PCs is $130,744.32
The 36 monthly lease payments would be $3,901.41, and I am verifying that we could start them in August or September.
The other items are the required Chromebook licenses (one-time fee) and some extra chargers.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.7. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of the Student and Staff Responsible Use Agreement 2017-2018
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.8. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of authorizing Mr. Applegate for the disposal of the 1995 GMC Cutaway Van G3500 (Box Truck) and the 2003 Chevy Suburban
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.9. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of the Proposed Board of Education regular meeting calendar for 2017-2018
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.10. Closed Meeting
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.11. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of the 2017-2018 Administrative Contracts and Salaries
Administrative Contracts and Salaries for: Jill Beckenhauer William Beckenhauer Dave Evertson Dale Henderson Brian Regelin
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.12. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of the proposed 2017-2018 classified staff salary packages
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.1. EHA Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska Board member eligibility
Discuss offering eligibility for Group Health Care Coverage to School Board Members. Recently discovered that board members may participate in the EHA group insurance plans if offered by the district. Board members who elected coverage would have to pay the premiums in their entirety as the school district cannot pay for any portion of the premium. If we were to allow board members to be eligible for coverage, we would need to decide which subgroup they would be part of, either Certified or Classified subgroup. Board members could be eligible for both PPO and HDHP if we went with the Certified subgroup. However, the difference in premium would not be contributed to an HSA by the school district. |
8.2. EHA Dual Option for Classified Employees
Classified staff are currently offered only one plan for health coverage. The $1,500 Deductible PPO plan. In 2016-2017, certified staff were offered the Dual Option for health insurance where they could choose the standard PPO plan or a HDHP - HSA Eligible plan. In addition, the difference in premiums between the two plans were deposited into an HSA account for the employee. Would we like to extend the dual option to classified staff as well beginning with the 2017-2018 school year? They would then also have the choice between the standard $1,500 deductible PPO plan or the $3,500 HDHP - HSA Eligible plan. If so, we would recommend that the difference in premium be deposited into an HSA for the employees who elected the HDHP plan, similar to certified staff. There would be no additional cost to the district, but would allow the classified staff member to have another option in coverage. Premium for classified single coverage in 2017-2018 for the $1,500 Deductible PPO plan is $562.74 per month. The premium for classified single coverage in 2017-2018 for the $3,500 HDHP plan is $512.92. For employees who choose this option, they would receive the difference of $49.82 each month into a Health Savings Account, if offered. |
8.3. Sport Safe Testing Service, Inc.-- drug testing for students competing in activities
8.4. Modular Plan C and D
8.5. Set Policy Review Date
8.6. Information on policies required for adoption before July 1, 2017
June 19, 2017, 7:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting |
* Closed Session: If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. **Sequence of Agenda: The sequence of agenda topics is subject to change at the discretion of the board. Please arrive at the beginning of the meeting. ***Action Item: The board reserves the right to take action on any item on the board agenda.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
* Closed Session: If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. **Sequence of Agenda: The sequence of agenda topics is subject to change at the discretion of the board. Please arrive at the beginning of the meeting. ***Action Item: The board reserves the right to take action on any item on the board agenda. |
Purpose: Personnel
July 17, 2017, 7:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting |
14. Policy Review Meeting set date/time
Monday, June 26th Tuesday, June 27th Wednesday, June 28th Thursday, June 30th Time: 5:00 p.m. |
15. National Honor Society Additional Sponsor
Discuss and consider a request for an additional sponsor option to be added for National Honor Society as a category 1 position.
17. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Approval of the Adoption of Board Policy 5052 School Wellness Policy, Replacing Current Board Policy 5154: School Wellness and Nutrition
18. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of the adoption of Board Policy 5014 Homeless Students, replacing current Board Policy 5418: Homeless Students
19. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Approval of the Adoption of Board Policy 3012 School Meal Program and Meal Charges
20. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Approval of the Adoption of Board Policy 3004 Purchasing, Replacing Current Policy 2125.2: Purchasing Agent
21. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Approval of the Adoption of Board Policy 3003 Bid Letting and Contracts, Replacing Current Board Policies 3130:Purchasing, 3323:Soliciting Prices(Bids & Quotations) and 3540:Bidding Construction Projects
22. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Approval of the Adoption of Board Policy 3002 Deposits
23. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Approval of the Adoption of Board Policy 3001 Budget
24. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval for the use of Cozad Community School's property located at 16th Street and Avenue D, Lot No. 240106458, for a Cozad Community Garden if supported by community interest
If it is determined there is an interest in a community garden, an agreement would be signed by both parties. |
25. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval authorizing Mr. Applegate, Superintendent to dispose of approximately 250 older iPads
Information presented by Dave Evertson at the May 15th board meeting regarding disposal of the iPads:
26. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the consideration of the proposed substitute pay rate of: Local Substitute $100.00 per day, Certified Substitute $110.00 per day, Long term sub $185.41 (starts on the 11th consecutive day)
Recommendation by Mr. Applegate to increase substitute pay rates as follows: Local Substitute: $100.00 per day (current rate $93.00) Certified Substitute: $110.00 per day (current rate $105.00) Long Term Substitute: $185.41 (starts on 11th consecutive day) Calculated as 1/185th of base. |
27. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the continuation of offering Cozad Community Wellness Center stipends to staff for the 2017-2018 school year
28. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on designating Superintendent Joel Applegate as the district's representative for federal and state programs starting July 1,2017
29. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of the proposed two room building at Cozad Elementary School
30. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of the acquisition of a 2017 Chevrolet Express Passenger Van from Pony Express for $29,350.80
31. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of contracting with Sport Safe Testing Service, Inc., to implement drug testing for students competing in school activities
32. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of granting an attendance waiver as requested by a High School student and parent
33. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of granting an attendance waiver for a High School student as presented by High School Principal Bill Beckenhauer
Mr. Beckenhauer recommends the board to approve an attendance waiver for a student due to medical information. He has received documentation to support the student request. |
34. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of the 2017-2018 food service contract with OPAA! Food Management, Inc. pending final approval from the Nebraska Department of Education - Nutrition Services
35. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the approval of Certificated staff contracts for the 2017-2018 school year
Superintendent Joel Applegate and High School Principal Bill Beckenhauer, Elementary Principal Dale Henderson, and Jill Albrecht, Special Education Director are recommending the listed certificated staff: Rebekah Spader (Kraeger), Agricultural Education/FFA James Ford, Elementary Assistant Principal/Special Education Theresa Coyle, High School Mathematics |
36. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Resignation of Certificated Staff
Resignation of Taylor Haley, Agricultural Education/FFA |
37. Activities Check Journal
38. Activities Financial Report
39. Check Journal Lunch Fund
Total Claims: Payroll: $21,026.42 AP: $8,000.87 Total: $29,027.29 |
40. Check Journal General Fund
Apple - $4,196 - Replacement Staff Computers Apple - $13,260.25 - Annual Lease Payment for iPads Black Hills Energy - $18,532.23 - Large payment for billing issues over the winter (notice attached) Buffalo Outdoor Power - $13,975.04 - New mower Committee For Children - $4,299 - New curriculum for EL Guidance ESSDACK - $10,339.15 - Kevin Honeycutt Speaker Odysseyware - $20,250 - Annual renewal for online curriculum Schoology - $4,900 - Annual renewal for Learning Management System The Library Store - $2,016 - New furniture for HS Library Weathercraft - $4,200 - New doors on the bus barn Yandas - $23,015 - Clavinova for EL, Auditorium upgrades Total Claims: Payroll: $762,769.98 AP: $260,974.88 Total: $1,023,744.86 |
41. District Financial Report
42. District Treasurer's Report
43. Discuss, Consider, and Take Action on the Financial Reports and Claims
44. Consent Agenda
46. Bus Route Averages
47. Nutrition Services SNP Claim for Reimbursement Summary May 2017
48. Substitute Reports
49. General Fund Taxes Report
50. Building Fund Taxes Report
51. Bond Fund Taxes Report
52. Standing Reports
53. Salary Advancement Applications
Tuyet-Van Sansone-Wilcox-Curriculum Development-3 hrs.-Peru State College Tuyet-Van Sansone-Wilcox-Sociology of Education-3 hrs.-Peru State College Tuyet-Van Sansone-Wilcox-Cognition and Learning-3 hrs.-Peru State College Tuyet-Van Sansone-Wilcox-Assessment of Instruction Capstone-3 hrs.-Peru State College Tuyet-Van Sansone-Wilcox-Current Issues in Education-3 hrs.-Peru State College Taylor Martin-Elementary Principalship-Workshop Seminar-3 hrs.-University of Nebraska-Lincoln Taylor Martin-Curriculum Inquiry-3 hrs.-University of Nebraska-Lincoln
54. Classified Hire:
William Bilslend, Facilities/Maintenance/Custodial
55. Classified Resignations
Classified resignations: Penny States, Food Service Director Jean Critchfield, AfterZone |
56. Condolences, Congratulations, and Correspondence
Staff Appreciation Thank you from Patty Margritz
Retirement Recognition Thank yous from: Kathy Halouska, Carol Jacob, Deb Keller, Mary Poore, and Sondra Terry |
57. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Minutes of the May 15, 2017 Regular Board of Education Meeting
60. JBeckenhauer Report
61. D Henderson Report
62. BRegelin Report
63. BBeckenhauer Report
The Board of Education invites you to offer comments during the public comments portion of the agenda. This is the portion of the meeting when members of the public may speak to the board about matters of public concern. When you have been recognized, please stand and state your name and come forward to the front of the board table. The board will generally allow a total of 20 minutes for the presentation of all public comments. Individuals may speak only one time, and must limit comments to around 5 minutes. If there are more than 4 individuals who wish to address the board, the 20 minutes will be divided equally between the number of speakers. These time limits may be changed by a majority vote of the board members in attendance to extend the time for a specific item or speaker. For additional instructions on public participation, brochures are provided for you to view. A copy of Policy 2009 Public Participation at Board Meetings is available upon request.
66. Approval of Agenda
67. Excused/Unexcused Board Member Absence
68. Nebraska Open Meeting Law, Publication of Meeting
This meeting has been preceded by advance notice and is hereby declared to be in open session. A current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted on the N.E. wall of the meeting room. Notice of this meeting was given in advance by publication in the Tri-City Tribune and posted on the Cozad Community Schools website and at the District Office. Notice of this meeting was also given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. |
69. Call to Order, Roll Call
Vision: Learning for All…. Learning for Life
Mission: The mission of Cozad Community Schools is to prepare students to be lifelong learners and productive, responsible citizens by providing a quality education in cooperation with family and community. Values - Guiding Principles Respect - Trust, appreciate, celebrate, value, act with urgency Integrity - Do the right thing, deliver highest quality instruction and practice full accountability Teamwork - Teamwork at all levels districtwide, recognize and celebrate, have fun and enjoy Innovation- Positive attitude, open to new ideas, Courage - Embrace change and take calculated risk, encourage others, communicate directly with respect |