March 31, 2016 at 8:00 AM - Projects Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. SWCP Application Approvals
2016 Tree Plantings Landowner Total Cost Cost Share Name County # Trees w/out Tax Program75% Eric Nelson Saunders 315 trees $ 425.25 SWCP $ 318.15 Brett Miller Colfax 410 trees $ 553.50 SWCP $ 414.10 Bryan Hein Butler 200 trees $ 270.00 SWCP $ 202.50 Totals 925 trees $1,228.75 $ 934.75
Summer SWCP Approvals: Randy Brabec Colfax Co. Diversion $ 1,200.18 David Hartman Saunders Co. Terraces/Tile $ 12,500.00 Randy Fendrich Butler Co. Basins/Tile $ 12,500.00 Norman Lindgren Saunders Co. Basins/Tile $ 638.31 (25% Coordinating with EQIP) Norman Lindgren Saunders Co. Terraces/Tile $ 2,366.22 (25% w/EQIP above NRD Structure) Tom Smaus Butler Co. Terraces/Tile $ 7,753.52 James Fujan Trust Saunders Co. Terraces/Tile $ 9,327.38 David Sousek Saunders Co Terraces/Tile $ 12,500.00 $ 58,785.61
Recommended Motion(s):
*To approve three SWCP tree planting and eight SWCP summer conservation practice applications totaling $58,785.61 as shown in the Projects Committee Minutes Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
1.B. SWCP Payments
1.C. SWCP Cancellations
1.D. Cottonwood Creek Payments
1.E. Sand/Duck Creek Approvals
1.F. Sand/Duck Cost Share Payment
1.G. Wahoo Creek Cost Share Approvals
1.H. SWCP Policy Review and Approval
The Committee reviewed the final proposed Soil and Water Conservation Program (SWCP) policy for further input and recommendation for approval.
Recommended Motion(s):
*To approve the 2016 Soil and Water Conservation Program (SWCP) policy as attached to the Projects Committee Minutes Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2.A. Shell Creek Watershed
2.A.1. Shell Creek Awards & Engraving Payment Request
We received the attached invoice from Awards & Engraving (Columbus) for student science medals, ribbons and engraved plates. This expense will be deducted from prepaid grant funds held at LPNNRD. A committee recommendation to pay this invoice is needed.
Recommended Motion(s):
*To approve paying Awards & Engraving in Columbus, $97.64 (from Shell Creek Funds) for student science medals, ribbons and engraved plates as attached to the Projects committee Minutes Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2.A.2. Shell Creek Cover Crop Payment
Attached is a 2015 cover crop payment request from Fred Siefken totaling $3,200. This payment will be taken from prepaid NET grant funds that are in LPNNRD's account.
Recommended Motion(s):
*To approve the Shell Creek Watershed 2015 cover crop payment of $3,200 to Fred Siefken as attached to the Projects Committee Minutes Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2.B. Wahoo Creek Watershed
2.B.1. Wahoo Creek Water Quality Plan Phase I
We have expended $115,000 of NET grant funding and are now using approved NDEQ grant funds for projects and programs. One next step will be to work with NDEQ and Saunders County on proceeding with the design and permitting of two larger grade stabilization structures in the watershed. Last fall, JEO submitted a proposal to complete this work for approximately $64,000. While most of this work will be paid from new approved grant funds, we need partnership concurrence on how best to move forward.
2.B.2. Wahoo Creek Watershed Phase II Grant Approvals
As mentioned earlier, we have been pre-approved for $106,000 from the Nebraska Environmental Trust and another $168,215 from the EPA/NDEQ for Wahoo Creek Phase II. NET has requested that we sign and return grant documents by April 30 to accept thier grant. We are also working on a Project Implementation Plan for the EPA/NDEQ funds. NET has their grant awards ceremony and workshop on April 14, 2016 in Lincoln.
Recommended Motion(s):
*To appoint Assistant Manager Mountford as the grant administrator for the Wahoo Creek Watershed Water Quality Phase II grants from NET and EPA/NDEQ and be authorized to complete and submit all necessary paperwork for accepting and administering approved grant funds Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.A. LPRCA Monthly Report
LPRCA Recreation Pubic Meeting @ Ashland There was a great turnout at the first LPRCA recreation public meeting in Ashland on Tuesday evening! Fifty-six people participated in the meeting and we had people from Lincoln, Omaha, Ashland, Louisville, Bellevue, a couple of the lake house areas along the Platte and other spots from the surrounding area. Again, the meeting was held to present some of the outcomes of the LPR Recreation Master Plan, discuss the opportunities for expanded access to the Platte River and other recreational amenities among other things. Following an open house from 6-630 we had about 20 minutes of "welcomes" from the Ashland Mayor, a local outfitter from Louisville, a director of the air boat association and a resident of Ashland interested in economic development and recreation. Craig Wacker and I followed that with a presentation about the plan, current and potential access, education and partnerships. A representative of the Nebraska Tourism Commission also spoke for a few minutes. The National Park Service provided an overview from a regional and national perspective. We followed that with about an hour of discussion among those in attendance-first in small groups and then back as one large group. We had some great feedback and ideas and had a really broad array of interest and user types represented. Most importantly we seem to have engaged a lot of people that are really interested in partnerships, recreation, community development and the river itself (two of the most enthused seem to be the Ashland and Louisville Mayors). Don't forget the next two meetings are Tuesday, April 5th in Fremont at the Civic Auditorium community room (5:30-6:00 open house; 6:00-7:30 presentations and discussion) and Thursday, April 7th in Columbus at the Legion Hall (same time frame as Fremont). Two Rivers Pier Removal Final Walk-through The final walk through for the pier removal project took place on Monday, March 28th. The seeding was completed yesterday and a Corps' issue has been taken care of and documentation sent to the Corps. Hawkins has removed all equipment from the site as the project is now officially finished. Events: The Kayak Tour has been included as a National Park Service "Find your Park" Event as part of their Centennial Celebration. It is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7th. Public registration opens Tuesday, April 28th. Please let me know if any directors or staff are interested in attending. The Summit is scheduled for Tuesday, October 25th at the Oak Ballroom in Schuyler. I have spoken with Matt Bailey about this (he actually recommended the ballroom) and hopefully working in a tour of Shell Creek into the Summit. More plans coming soon. The next Quarterly Meeting is Tuesday, May 3rd at 9:00 a.m at LPSNRD.
4.A. Army COE 205 Projects
General Manager Miyoshi reported that he and Mike Murren met with Army COE officials last week to discuss and tour the potential Fremont Levee Project site and the Platte River Levee Project site at Schuyler.
4.A.1. Fremont 205
General Manager Miyoshi reported that the Army Corps of Engineers informed our partners that additional work needs to be done to reassess flood plain elevations due to Dept. of Roads U.S. 30 Expressway project. DOR request to change the current flood plain maps for Fremont and Dodge County will require a reassessment of our project with DOR's proposed floodplain maps and expressway. This in turn increases the study cost $600,000. With an increase of $600,000 the break down is: COE $300,000, LPNNRD $150,000, Fremont $72,600, Dodge County $65,100, Inglewood $12,300. We have ask the COE to complete the study by September 30, 2017 so there is an opportunity to be included for Federal Funding through the Water Resources Redevelopment Act (WRRDA) which maybe in the fall of 2017. |
4.A.2. Schuyler 205
Mike Murren reported that we have been working with the Army COE and Schuyler on how to proceed with cleaning a drainage ditch (4000' long x 5' wide x 1' deep) located on NDOR property, which is needed so internal city drainage does not backup into Schuyler during heavy rainstorms. While NDOR has indicated that they will not participate with this cleaning, they will allow the sponsors access on their right of way to do this work. It appears the the estimated cost of $12,500 will be included as part of the Army COE project. While details are being sorted out this work needs to be completed this week before de-watering wells are turned on for Schuyler's sewer project next week that will pass substantial flows through the subject drainage ditch.
4.B. Shell Creek Landowner Levee Project Update
Director Bailey reported that Colfax County is working with the Union Pacific Railroad on coordinating future project activities.
4.C. LPNNRD Local Working Group Meeting
Our annual Local Working Group Meeting with NRCS was held at our office on March 23rd. The group reviewed and gave input on eligible conservation practices for 2016 federal EQIP funding and priorities in LPNNRD. We are anticipating about $400,000 - $500,000 may be available for the general EQIP signup. In addition, we are anticipating another $400,000 - $500,000 of special EQIP Water Quality Initiative funding for the Wahoo Creek Watershed.
4.D. All Hazard Mitigation Plan Update- JEO Progress Report and Invoice
HMP contract work with JEO has been completed and we are preparing the final report and reimbursement request to NEMA. As you recall, of the $126,000 JEO contract, $76,000 was for the Hazard Mitigation Plan Update and up to an additional$50,000 to include our breach inundation mapping on 20 of our non-high hazard flood control dams and a project analysis for Woodcliff. NEMA/FEMA grant reimburses us 75% of the total contract and we are also billing UBBNRD and Woodcliff 25% for their portions of the HMP effort. Attached is a full report on the analysis of the Woodcliff project which stated the following: Conclusion: This project would appear to generally be eligible with the following considerations: • Funding is not available at this time through the HMGP program as funds have generally been allocated. However, future disaster declarations may result in sufficient funding for a project such as this. • The PDM program may be an alternative source for funding, which is nationally competitive. • Documentation of damages or improvements will be very helpful in demonstrating the need for the project. • USACE 404 permitting can be a lengthy process and it is highly recommended that these permits be obtained before securing FEMA grant funding as it can have significant impacts to the project schedule. • Demonstration of cost-effectiveness will be vital in gaining grant approval. From preliminary review of benefit-cost analysis, it is inconclusive as to if the project will provide sufficient benefits to show cost-effectiveness. Further benefit-cost analysis is recommended to better determine cost-effectiveness.
4.E. Review of Projects Financial Statement
Attached is the February 29, 2016, Projects Expense Statement that shows 55.28% of the projects budget spent.
Access gates on levee segment 5 should be completed soon.
With no further business, the Projects Committee adjourned at 9:28 a.m.