April 26, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Water Committee Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2.A.1. Irrigated Acres for 2016 in the HCA and NHCA
No new activity to report
2.A.2. Variance Request in the Hydrologically Connected Area (Limited Development Area)
No new activity to report
2.A.3. Variance Requests in the Non-Hydrologically Connected Area (Normal Development Area)
No new activity to report
2.A.4. Variance Requests in the Restricted Development Areas
No new activity to report
2.A.5. Well Permit Program
2.A.5.a. Well Permits Approved
Wells Permits Approved: #
2.A.6. Potential Violation of Expanded Irrigaiton
No activity to report
2.A.7. Special Quantity Subareas
#1 (Butler-Saunders) There are 30 irrigation wells in this area. 25 of these have a flow meter; the other five wells were not used in 2016. All 25 flow meter reporting forms have been returned. 2017 will be the third year of their allocation (3-year rolling) for this SQS area. Staff got water levels from most of these wells last week.
#2 (Platte-Colfax) Flow meter cost-share applications continue to be received. Staff is in process of completing allocation calculations. Staff plans on starting collecting water levels from these wells starting April 24. High capacity livestock wells or a series of wells capable of pumping 50 GPM have received a letter that a flow meter is required by LPN management rules for this area. Staff was contacted by a couple of individuals on type of meter needed and potentially reclassifying the well. Staff will continue to communicate with these individuals. FLOW METER INSTALLATION UPDATE Russ inspected Terry Lutjens flow meter installations on April 24. Holes have been cut in 4 of the sites with one site that uses lagoon water still being evaluated. The motion at last month's meeting gave him until May 1, 2017 to have the meters installed or Cease and Desist will be issued at May 8th Board Meeting. Staff will be contacting Mr Lutjens on May 1.
2.A.8. Lower Platte River Basin Water Management Plan Coalition (LPRBC)
No new information to report
2.A.9. Voluntary Integrated Water Management Plan - LPNNRD
An edited draft IMP copy has been received by LPN from Amy Zoller of DNR. Chris Poole is editing text and creating a few maps with the GW Dept. writing up a description of the LPN aquifer charateristics. The plan is to have LPN edits back to Amy the first part of May.
2.A.10. Cost Share Programs
2.A.10.a. Irrigation Well Sample Kits
No new requests received in April. Kits will be mailed out prior to irrigation.
2.A.10.b. Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network (NAWMN)
No new activity to report
2.A.10.c. Flow Meter Maintenance Program
Tri-City Meters has completed the greasing and sealing of flow meters in the SQS areas. A complete report should be arriving soon with meter information, pictures and invoice. Staff will be ordering batteries for electronic meters and a few parts to fix McCrometers in an emergency this summer. Staff met with Tri-City Meters in the field to watch how they were sealing and greasing the meters. They also showed us how to replace batteries in a Senninger meter. Plans are to have staff seal more of the meters this summer before tampering becomes an issue. |
2.A.10.d. Flow Meter Cost Share in SQS #2
2.A.10.d.1. Flow Meter Cost Share in SQS #2
At the November 30, 2016 Water Committee, a motion was made to fund GWEL cooperator wells at $1,000 per 8 inch meters ($770 from WSF and $230 from LPNNRD = $1,000) and at $749 per 6 inch meters ($577 from WSF and $172 from LPNNRD = $749) As of April 21, 2017 we have received a total of 176 applications. Only 5 of these still need to be inspected to insure that the meter is installed properly. Seven well sites have applied for 2 meters each, but following motion of the Water Committee, only one meter per irrigation system will receive funding. Therefore, for the May 8, 2017 Board Meeting, we will have a total of 7 cost-share applications to approve. A meeting was held with Rex Gittins, Assistant Director for DNR, and Kent Zimmerman, who handles the Water Sustainability Fund, to discuss the reimbursement rates that was discussed in the fall of 2016. A misunderstanding occurred on the percentage that the WSF will reimburse. The chart below has changed to show what is acceptable for reimbursement. Last month the remaining WSF total was $72,765 and this month the amount is $120,541, which reflects a 60/40 split between the WSF and LPN. LPN share is now $52,973 of the grant.
Recommended Motion(s):
*To approve payment of $5,427 of cost share funding from WSF and LPN funds for the following individuals:
Beiermann, Ruth for $770;
Heller, Ricky & Mardell for $770;
Dicke, Waylan for $577;
Grotelueschen, Bryce for $770;
Grotelueschen, Bryce for $770;
Grotelueschen, Bryce for $770;
Grotelueschen, Bryce for $1000; Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2.A.10.d.2. Water Sustainability Fund Request
At last months committee meeting it was reported that a request was sent to Kent Zimmerman requesting expanding the area cost-share to SQS #1 and expand out 1 mile of the boundary line of SQS #2. At the meeting with Rex and Kent, they reported that the DNR director only wants cost-share on new meters that hasn't been previously purchased. So with the information provided, SQS #1 was taken out of the request but we expanded the request to go 2 miles outside the boundary for SQS #2. There are 264 wells in our district within 2 miles of SQS #2 (Platte/Colfax). 234 are irrigation wells, 31 are stock wells. There is one irrigation well in LENRD that irrigates into LPNNRD. If we assume that the District has 200 wells and the cost-share will be at the $770 rate; the total would be $154,000 at a 60/40 split. The WSF grant would be responsible for $92,400 and the District share would be $61,600. Some wells already have flow meters installed and will not be eligible for cost-share. This expanded area is voluntary flow meter installation and is not required by District rules. Normally when flow meters are voluntary, cost-share applications usually runs around 25-50 percent participation. So realistic the cost-share amount on 100 flow meters would be $77,000 on a 60/40 split. At this time the District has around $120,000 remaining in the fund. This request will need to approve at the Commission meeting in June. |
2.A.10.d.3. Duplicate Meters on One Well
A motion was made at the December 28. 2016 Water Committee to pay for 1 meter per irrigation system. At that time a letter was sent to five producers stating the decision by the District. This letter stated that after the March 1, 2017 deadline that the District will reassess the funding for duplicate meters. Since the letter was sent out in January 9, 2017, two more applications has been received for duplicate flow meters per irrigation systems bringing the total to 7 duplicate flow meters per irrigation system. The purpose of the producer putting on duplicate flow meters can be for a variety of reasons. The main 2 reasons usually are installing the meter to meet spacing requirements or a producers trying to become efficient on the amount of water use per irrigation system. This information can be invaluable to the producer and the District when looking at cropping rotations or different irrigation systems. If one pivot is corn and the other is soybeans installing one meter may not get the producer or the District the correct amount of water use per crop. The District has excess funds in WSF of 120,000 for flow meter cost-share, so cost-sharing on these flow meters will total $5,390. The WSF will pay for $3,234 and LPN share would be $2,156. This will still leave over 116,500 in WSF.
Recommended Motion(s):
To allow cost-share payment to individuals within SQS #2 with duplicate flow meters per irrigation sytems and approve payment of $5,390 of cost share funding from WSF and LPN funds for the following individuals:
Brandl, Laura M for $770;
German, Allen for $770;
Herink, Jerome for $770;
Rosendahl Farms Inc for $770;
Kresha, Lucille E for $770;
Noonan, Robert for $770;
Grotelueschen, Bryce for $770; Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2.A.11. Bellwood Phase 2 Area
No new information to report
2.A.12. Richland - Schuyler Phase 2 Area
No new information to report
2.A.13. Richland - Schuyler Phase 3 Area
No new information to report
2.A.14. LPNNRD Operator Certification
2.A.14.a. LPNNRD Operator Certification Classes
2.A.15. Certifying Acres in Saunders and Dodge Counties
Staff is working with 12 individuals in Dodge County on completing the process. Still a few people that hasn't certified their acres, so at the next Water Committee other actions might be needed.
For 2017 we have 232 renewals and 10 new permit applications for a current total of 242. Inspections for 0 renewal permits have been completed.
The breakdown by County for the Total Number of Renewals within the LPNNRD.
The breakdown by county of the number of renewal inspections completed.
The breakdown, by county for the 10 new chemigation permit applications, are listed below:
Spring 2017 Ground Energy Levels Groundwater levels were up as a whole with 66.3% of the wells measured had levels higher in Spring 2017 compared to Spring of 2016. Platte Valley levels were basically unchanged but Todd Valley rose over 2 feet. Attached is a summary of the groundwater levels per region. Also attached are graphs from from a majority of the wells that are in the GWEL network per region.
The LPNNRD has received #1 livestock modification permit applications from DEQ since the last Water Committee meeting.
This is a modification to livestock waste control facility design and nutrient management plan.
3.A.1. Well Estimates
Two new wells has been reviewed and approved by Gottschalk for decommissioning since the last Committee meeting.
3.A.2. Plugged Wells
None at this time
3.B.1. Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA)
The spring meeting was held April 18 at the LPNNRD Boardroom. An update was given on AEM survey flights, which was reported that the partners were receiving their finish product ahead of schedule. The LPN should be receiving their data in July or even sooner. Katie Cameron plans on making a report to the Board in September or October. Water sampling is taking place on 26 wells for variety of parameters including age dating. Chris Hobza reported on a recharge project he is conducting at 2 sites (Firth and Valley). The Firth site showed about a 12% recharge rate with the Valley site at 45%. The purpose of this study is to help determine recharge rates of different soil and geology material. These wells were chosen initially as their locations showed no outside influences. Chris plans on selecting more wells and continue this research. Discussion was held about more flights in 2017 and/or apply for grant funding. Lower Elkhorn is planning on budgeting for flights in fiscal year 2017-18 and was wondering if their would be other partners. If ENWRA applies for a Water Sustainability Grant, applications are due in July but notification is not planned until March 2018. The group is planning GeoCloud training in August. It is planned for a full day, with the first half technical training and the second part administrative training. Amendment 5 to ENWRA Interlocal Cooperative Agreement is attached that will need Board Chairman signature. This agreement agrees to have a coordinator position through June 30, 2020 and will commit the LPN in contributing $30,000 to ENWRA for the next 5 years.
Recommended Motion(s):
*To approve Amendment 5 to the ENWRA Interlocal Cooperative Agreement and authorize the Board Chairman to sign Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.B.2. AEM Survey Flights
Discussion on participating in a grant to continue AEM survey flights within the District. A map is attached showing the four potential areas that more information could be valuable in determining aquifer boundaries. The cost would be about 8 - 9 per acres if we fly on 1/3 mile flight lines. So the cost would be $500,000 per area plus double that for the Prague Area. Is the committee wanting to do more flights and what areas would be higher priorities? LPS would like to finish out there NW portion which would include the David City Subarea. Papio would like to finish there western part which would include the Yutan Uplands. The Swedeburg Subarea has pocket aquifers which boundaries are undefined. Are the boundaries correct for the Prague Subarea and maybe just fly the boundaries of this area? The ENWRA group is considering submitting a grant to the Water Sustainability Fund in July which is a 60/40 share. The grant would be ranked and approved March 2018. If the NRD agrees to participate in the grant this would be a FY18-19 project. Does the committee want to participate as a partner in the grant and for what dollar amount?
Recommended Motion(s):
The LPN will be a partner in a Water Sustainability Grant that ENWRA will be submitting in July, with the LPN asking for $750,000 Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.B.3. Platte and Elkhorn River Valley Integrated Water Monitoring
No new information to report.
3.B.4. Lower Platte River Consortium
Minutes are attached from the meeting held March 27, 2017
3.B.5. Hydrogeologic Evaluation
Dave Hume and Jon Mohr, LBG Environmental and Groundwater Engineering Firm, discussed the idea of developing a aquifer risk map. Attached is a sample map done for the LBNRD. This map is used as a management tool for issuing well permits for the LBNRD. The LBNRD took into consideration transmissivity, specific yield, thickness of saturated sand, water level change from Spring 2000 to Spring 2007 and recharge. A different percentage for each was given to develop a scoring systems on approving well permits. This tool could help the Committee/Board and staff on approving supplemental wells or marginal land development. LBG would just take the data collected by Olsson Associates in the LPN hydrogeologic study done in 2008 and assist in developing it into a useful management tool. The Committee would help in determining the criteria for the map development. A proposal is attached from LBG on the scope of the project. The cost of the risk map would range from 15 - 20 thousand depending on extra workflow needed by staff and LBG. The proposal also discussed an interactive mapping tool which could be used internally or by the public. No cost amount was given for this tool.
Recommended Motion(s):
To table until budgeting time, budgeting $20,000 for the development of an aquifer risk map for FY17-18 and continue discussion on development of the interactive mapping tool, with cost estimates presented in the budget for committee review Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.B.6. Elkhorn Loup Model (ELM)
The model has been revised and is being reviewed by the partners with the deadline for comment by May 16.
Staff met with Katie Cameron, Sue Lackey and Dana Divine on monitoring wells locations. Sue commented that exact locations in the Colfax/Platte and Middle Shell Creek area could be determined more precisely after seeing the finish AEM flights results. She thought to go into the Dakota Aquifer that depths could be reaching 1200 feet. To drill test hole and develop monitoring wells at depths of 1200 feet the cost would be around $70,000 per site. Does the committee want to proceed in budgeting monitoring wells into FY17-18 and one or 2 sites? Staff would like some guidance on this issue for budgeting purposes.
Staff met with USGS when they were collecting water samples on LPN monitoring wells in Section 22-14N-08E in Todd Valley. These wells are part of ENWRA water sampling network. They will be analyzing for pesticides, nitrates and conducting age dating on the water.
Staff will be meeting with DEQ for training on weekly surface water sampling on Wahoo Creek. The purpose of the sampling is establishing baseline information before water structures are constructed.
No activity to report
4.A.1. Bacteria Sampling
4.A.2. Toxic Algae
5.A. CMAT Conjunctive Management Analysis Tool
Olson Associates and FYRA Engineering have come up with a proposal called CMAT (Conjunctive Management Analysis Tool). This tool takes existing groundwater models along with known information such as geology maps, soils maps, well logs, all of our ground water information along with studies we have performed and put them into a super-computer to give answers to queries (questions). Many of these queries would be stand alone studies, but with CMAT the answer could be in minutes, hours or over night. A question as simple as transferring a water right from one location to another - CMAT could give us the acre foot difference or tell us that 80 acres of irrigation at site “A” would translates to a certain number of acres at site “B”. Of course your answer is only as good as your data so CMAT would also give us the reliability for each answer. Along with this reliability CMAT would also tell us where we should be investing our study and research funds to make our most commonly asked queries more accurate. Attached find a presentation, list of most commonly asked questions and a potential funding scenario. The funding shows that LPNNRD would be asked to contribute $16,150 per year for two years.
5.B. Nebraska Habitat Conservation Coalition
A meeting was held with members of the NHCC via conference call on April 18, 2017. John Shadle was ratified as the vice-chairman of the group. Mark Czaplewski mentioned to the group that OPPD was interested in joining the group. He commented that with the new administration in Washington the Endanger Specie Act could be reform. The last time it was amended was in 1988. This reform could include re-designating the Platte River Endanger Specie Act. The next meeting is scheduled for April 17, 2018 at 10 am CST. Attached is the financial report, 2017 meeting agenda and 2016 minutes.
5.C. Phoenix Group
Water Department met with the Phoenix Group discussing the implementation of the 4 areas approved by the Board. Staff gave them Chemigation, GWEL Wells, Flow Meters and Phase 2 & 3 Reporting databases. Staff at the Phoenix Group will be implementing these databases into Phoenix and then get back to us on corrections. Staff also discussed online reporting for producers and using tablets in the field for data entry. Data entry by staff in the field would be next logical step after these databases are deployed. This item was not part of the agreement with the Phoenix Group. Staff was asked to get a quote from Phoenix for inclusion in next years budget. |
Russ Oakland, Brett Schomer and Daryl Andersen will be attending the conference in Albuquerque. 2017 GMDA Summer Conference Preliminary Agenda May 24 Welcome dinner 5:30-6:30 May 25 Breakfast from 7:30-8:30 Keynote speaker Tom Blaine intro and speech 8:30-9:15 Steve Hernandez- TX. V NM 1 9:15-10:15 Break 10:15-10:30 Jason Norquest – Local Enhanced Management Areas (LEMAs10:30-11:00 Aron Balok – PVACD: Past, Present, Future 11:00-12:00 LUNCH 12-1 A.J. and Ian and John – NWRA Fed. Issues (panel) 1:15-2:15 Bruce Thomson – Desalinization and brackish water 2:15-3:00 Break 3:00-3:15 Stacy Timmons- NM Groundwater Modeling 45 min 6 3:15-4:00 Guest Speaker- Matt Rush 4:00-4:30 State Caucus and Board Meeting 4:30 - 5:30 May 26 Breakfast from 7:30-8:30 Morning opening and any updates 8:30-8:45 Nathan Collier- Integrating Hydrogeology, Well Design and Drilling Techniques 8:45-9:30 Break 9:30 - 9:45 Mike Wallace- the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) climate index 9:45-10:30 Greg Alpers/BLM – Watershed management 10:30-11:00 Neil Blandford – Aquifer recharge 11:00-12:00 LUNCH 12-1 Tour of Rio Rancho Direct Injection Facility until 4:00pm
We will have three new Summer interns at LPNNRD:
LPNNRD will host the next Groundwater Technician Training scheduled for Friday, June 2nd. The training will start at 9:00 a.m. with the exam at 3:00 p.m. The deadline to register for the training and exam is May 12th. Application and check must be received by that date. The training and exam will be held in the Board Room. |