December 28, 2017 at 9:30 AM - Executive Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Off Site Water Table Concerns Near Sand Creek
1.B. Ourada Lawsuit
Motion from November Board Meeting Director Birkel updated the Board on the mediation held on Monday, October 30th. Ruzicka made the motion, seconded by Hannah, to table discussion on the Ourada lawsuit. Motion carried all members present voting aye. |
2.A. Pending
2.A.1. Legislative Conference
Attached find the tentative agenda for the Legislative Conference. Please let Breunig know if you are interested in attending.
2.A.2. Director Retreat
The Director Retreat is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21st at the Benedictine Retreat Center near Schuyler. Please let us know if there are any topics you would like us to include in the program. |
2.A.3. NARD Washington DC Annual Meeting
The NARD Annual Meeting in Washington DC is scheduled for March 17-21, 2018. Travel arrangements will need to be made soon.
Recommended Motion(s):
To approve attendance of up to two directors and two staff at the NARD Washington, DC Conference March 17-21 Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2.A.4. NACD
Two directors and two staff have been approved to attend the 2018 NACD conference in Nashville. At this time there is only one director signed up to attend. In past years, if there is only one director going, an additional staff member was assigned to attend. Is this how you would like me to proceed this year? |
2.B. Reports
3.A. Directors Absence
Attached find Director Saalfeld's Excuse of Absence from the December Board Meeting.
Recommended Motion(s):
To approve Director Saalfled's absence from the December Board Meeting Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.B. Monthly Education Program
Dan Gillespie will be present to give a brief presentation on cover crops to the LPNNRD Board on Monday, January 8th. |
3.C. Lake Wanahoo Operation & Maintenance
A meeting has been scheduled with Nebraska Game and Parks to discuss steps involved to develop a lake level management plan. The meeting will be held in their Lincoln office on January 4, 2018 at 10:00 am. |
3.D. Lake Wanahoo Recreation
I have received a letter from James Douglas, Director - Nebraska Game and Parks Commission responding to my letter dated 12-13-17. (handouts) |
3.E. Water Strategies Bill
Recommended Motion(s):
To make payment of $4,800 to PMRNRD for October, November and December Federal Government Relations Services Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.F. Great Plains RC&D Donation
We have received word from Great Plains RC&D that the Nebraska Land Trust will be soon receiving $1,395.16 since we designated them as our 501C3 organization to receive our membership dissolution funds.
3.G. Election Certifications
Jill has compiled all election certifications for each of the current LPNNRD board positions up for election in 2018. Certifications have been signed, sent to the State and each of the counties in our district.
3.H. Lake Wanahoo Lake Level Panel Future Meeting Disucssion
It has been discussed that since the Panel was established to discuss lowering Lake Wanahoo and with NGPC’s decision to not allow additional annual Lake lowering above what is being done now, to discontinue regular Panel meetings. Future Lake Wanahoo business, including discussions with USACE and NGPC regarding Operation and Maintenance of Wanahoo lake levels can continued to be handled through regular scheduled LPNNRD Operation, Education and Rural Water Committee meetings. Committee discussion for a possible recommendation is requested.
Recommended Motion(s):
To discontinue regularly scheduled Lake Wanahoo Lake Level Panel meetings until a future need arises Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.I. Wahoo Creek FYRA Contract Update/Discussion
As reported at the last committee and Board meeting, NRCS has approved additional funding through the federal P.L. 566 program for completing a watershed plan update ($575,000) and design ($1.3 million) for the remaining eight Wahoo Creek Dams originally planned in 1998. FYRA prepared the P.L. 566 application and has been contracted to complete the watershed plan for Wahoo Creek Sites 26 & 27, Mike Sotak & Janel Kaufman,FYRA, gave a presentation at the November 30 Projects Committee meeting about providing services to complete the watershed planning for the remaining eight dams and incorporate their completed planning work on dam sites 26 & 27. After the presentation, the Projects Committee discussed the advantages of continuing with FYRA to complete a total watershed plan to include their work on Sites 26 & 27 plus the planning for the remainder of the watershed. As discussed, the planning effort needs to begin soon because it will take about a year to complete. The Projects committee made the following recommendation (not voted on at the Board Meeting): "To have FYRA present a contract for Board consideration for continuing with completing a holistic Wahoo Creek Watershed plan to include the evaluation of the remaining eight floodwater reduction dams as identified in the original 1998 plan. This is all contingent on formal approval of NRCS's funding agreement for planning assistance not to exceed $575,000". Mike Sotak, FYRA, and Kevin Gustafson, NRCS were present at the December 11 Board meeting to answer questions regarding NRCS's P.L. 566 program. Mike Sotak, also submitted a potential contract to proceed with Wahoo Creek Watershed planning for the remaining structure sites (attached). The Projects Committee will also be discussing a recommendation to approve a contract with FYRA to complete a holistic Wahoo Creek Watershed Plan contingent on the approval of NRCS's funding agreement, which may be available at the January 8, 2018, Board meeting. Once the watershed plan is completed, our plan is to begin the process for sending our requests for proposals to engineering firms to complete permitting and design tasks for sites 26 & 27 and also for the remaining dams. It is presently understood that the costs for completing the planning process for the eight remaining dams will be provided by NRCS through their P.L. 566 program.
We received the attached resignation letter from Melissa Foreman, Shell Creek Watershed Project Coordinator. Discussion as to rehiring the position or moving forward with coordinated effort between LPNNRD staff and Shell Creek Watershed board members.
Recommended Motion(s):
To accept Melissa Foreman's resignation effective December 31, 2017 Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
6.A. Approval of Financial Reports
Attached find the Draft November Financial Statements. Grant will be available via conference call at 10:00 a.m. to discuss the November Financials.
Recommended Motion(s):
To approve the November Financial Reports as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
6.B. Approval of Managers Time and Expense Sheets
Recommended Motion(s):
To approve Managers Time and Expense Sheets as attached Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
6.C. Accounts over 90 Days
6.D. Union Bank Interest Payment
Our check of $9,823.41 was split out to pay interest and principal. The interest billing was mailed before the large principal payment on 11/30/2017 was made. That is why your bill showed more interest than what was really owed. Our interest payment was $9,151.86 and $671.55 was applied to the principal balance. |