March 31, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Water Committee Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
To table flow meter discussion until February Water Committee, so Committee could know if grant funding would be available.
Update: January 22, 2021 The NET Grant submitted by LPN didn't score high enough for it to be on the recommended funding list for 2021. After agenda item was taken from the table, staff showed the list of projects approved by Nebraska Environmental Trust and how this project scored compared to others. |
2.A.1. Well Permit Program
2.A.2. METOs Equipment
Staff has been working with Derek Brazada from the METOs company on setting up weather stations and water level locations for remote read. Derek attended the Water Committee to explain the information that is shown on these sites. Staff will be installing one site with a conversion kit from the McCrometer Company to do remote reads on a mechanical flow meter.
Attachment shows the cost of this equipment.
2.A.3. Water Use Reports and Flow Meters
Staff has been in contact with producers/owners on installing a required flow meter by March 26, 2021. All producers has told staff that they are working on installing a flow meter before irrigation. Staff will continue to stay in contact with these individuals and will report to the Committee, if other actions will need to be taken.
Information from 2020 meter reports.
2.A.4. Lower Platte River Basin Water Management Plan Coalition (LPRBC)
The technical and management groups have met in the last months reviewing next year budget, yearly IMP reports and contract for analyzing the next 5-year increments The Coalition Directors meeting will be held April 27 (virtual and in-person) at Lower Loup NRD starting at 11 am. The directors will be voting on the items described. Attached for review is the draft budget and contract along with the submitted LPN V-IMP report. The cost of both of these contracts are $129,500, which will be part of the Coalition budget.
LPN Water Committee wants to emphasis that recharge need to be accurately represented and after adding extra acres over the last 4 years, water levels have remained relatively unchanged.
2.A.5. LPNNRD Operator Certification
Updated 3/31/2021 - 8 more producers have passed the online test and 2 others have passed the take-home test.
Class Attendance for 2021:
Of these 17 were "New" (first-timers) |
3.A.1. Well Estimates
3 new wells has been reviewed and approved for decommissioning since the last Committee meeting.
3.A.2. Plugged Wells
# wells have been plugged, reviewed, and ready for cost share payment approval this month.
3.B.1. Phase Area Update
Staff had discussion on demonstration fields for 2021 in the nitrate areas. Some of the ideas were nitrogen modeling software comparison, inhibitors and nitrogen test strips. UNL on-farm research is looking for fields to study these ideas with funding available for participating producers.
Part of the NET Grant is to purchase Field Equipment to test for PH, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity and other parameters prior to collecting a water sample. More information is attached, with staff looking at purchasing 3 water sampling meters. The Grant will be paying $5,500, with the other portion used as NRD match. Quotes: Oakton PCD 659 - $3010.51 Xylem/YSI ProDSS - $5,629.00 ProQuatro - $2,957.00 Hach HQ2100 - $2,606.22 HQ4300 - $3,203.20 Staff explained the differences of each meter with the higher cost due to the dissolve oxygen probe. Dissolve oxygen (DO) helps in determining if an aquifer is anaerobic or aerobic. This information is valuable in determining the movement of contaminants like nitrates, iron and manganese, that will react differently when a certain level of oxygen is present. The equipment staff uses now, does not have a DO probe and is about 10 years old. Attached is an updated quote for the ProQuatro equipment from YSI Inc. The cost per meter will be $2878.18 per meter for a total cost of $8,634.55, plus estimated shipping of $10.
Recommended Motion(s):
Recommend to accept the bid for three (3) ProQuatro handheld water meter sensors from YSI Inc. not to exceed $2,957 a piece with additional discounts with trade-in for the old equipment. . Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
Updated information on the test holes and monitoring wells. UNL/CSD can do the test holes as shown by the schedule below.
Staff is working on obtaining permission from land owners for test holes on the first 2 sites, with the plan to send RFPs on a monitoring well in the Richland Area.
Recommended Motion(s):
Recommend to contract with UNL/CSD for 3 test holes per current UNL/LPN Cooperative Agreement. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.D. Phoenix WebGroup
This was the first year that the NRD offered online reporting for meter and nitrogen reports. Staff was overall satisfied on how this process worked with 29% of the water use reports submitted online and 38% of the nitrogen reports. Some of the producers recommended a few changes to make this process easier. Changes for the online site include:
Recommended Motion(s):
Recommend to approve Phoenix Webgroup work order updates for $18,775 with 50% deposit in this fiscal year, with remaining amount in next fiscal year and to commit to the Silver Support Plan for $2,500. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
3.E. Cost Share Programs
3.E.1. Cost-share Projects
Does the Water Committee want to consider items to encourage producers to improve their management?
Committee and staff discussed the items shown below, with Mark Walkenhorst from NRCS available for questions. It was explained that the RCPP grant is designed for designated areas, which would emphasis certain practices to solve the identified problems. It was pointed out that some of the most successful programs utilize staff that could work one-on-one with producers. This individual would set up management strategies with producers and then apply for funding to implement the BMPs. Increasing education in the nitrate management areas need to be a priority utilizing all avenues and working with UNMC on the health aspects. Committee discussed the ranking criteria on smaller fields that sometime can't get funding but still contributes to the problem. The grant should consider doing a few BMPs well, than trying to do many average. Committee and staff will continue to discuss with more detailed information at the next Water Committee Meeting. Discussion Items:
SDI - $740.64/ac. for General Signup. Nitrate Areas (not specific to high nitrate areas) but for source water areas which often include high nitrate areas it is 1058.05/ac. The EQIP - General HU of 1269.66 would apply to Historically Underserved clients (Beginning farmers, etc.). Applications for microirrigation (SDI) must meet the irrigation history for two of five years and must not exceed the 5% threshold of newly irrigated acres on the entire system. An application for microirrigation (SDI) would be considered ineligible even if the applicant is willing to pay for those additional acres (greater than the 5% incidental acres allowed) without cost assistance. Pivot cost-share is $18.97 per linear feet. Can the NRD put another $5,000 - $10,000 on top of the EQIP payment? To my knowledge "yes". May be a stipulation that the cost share (incentive) cannot exceed 100% of the cost. Will need to get this checked. Would a product like SoyGreen for soybeans be eligible for cost share to decrease PH to encourage a crop rotation in high nitrate areas? I do not know, it would depend if that product meets NRCS tech guide. Would there be any incentive for a 3 crop rotation? Yes, we currently have an incentive to encourage a more diverse crop rotation. With RCPP, we do have flexibilities that EQIP does not. For example, if a project proposes to pay a higher rate than EQIP for established conservation practices, that is OK (as long as defined in the final agreement and is equitable). But it cannot exceed 100% of the cost rate. Please keep in mind that RCPP proposals where the partner provides more % of FA (preferably cash) typically score better than those who do not. LPN collected this information during the process of certifying irrigated acres.
Surface Irrigation - 4,269.19 acres, Commingled Acres of GW and SW - 5,117.56 acres. |