August 13, 2019 at 7:10 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Publication of Meeting
3. Open Meeting Act
4. Roll Call
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Meeting Agenda
6.2. Previous Board Meeting(s) Minutes
6.3. Monthly Claims
6.4. Monthly Financial Reports
6.5. Special Recognition
7. Recognition of Visitors/Communication with the Public
8. New Business/Discussion Items
8.1. Board of Education Report(s)
8.2. Activities Director Report
8.3. 7-12 Principal's Report
8.4. Superintendent's Report
8.5. Early Separation Incentive Program
8.6. Roofing progression at Potter site.
9. Action Items
9.1. Consider authorizing two out of three of the following: Superintendent, Principal, and/or, Board President to sign checks from the Activities, Employee Benefit, Reimbursable, and School Nutrition Funds.
9.2. Review of Policy 5045 Student Fees.
9.3. Review of Policies 5018 and 5057 regarding Parent Involvement.
9.4. Consider resolution to implement policies
9.5. Disposal of School Property
9.6. Consider transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Activities Fund.
9.7. Consider adding Nicotine/Tobacco to drug testing policy.
10. Adjournment