December 21, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
1. Call the Meeting to Order
Board President or Designee
Notice of this meeting was given in advance according to State Law 84-1411, by giving notice of the meeting to the public on ESU 7 website and posted at location of meeting. Notice of this meeting was also given in advance to all members of the Board of Education of Educational Service Unit 7. Availability of the agenda and purpose of the hearing was communicated in the advance notice of the meeting and in the notice to the members of this hearing. All proceedings of the Board of Education of Educational Service Unit 7 were taken while the convened hearing was open to the attendance of the public.
Roll call was taken at 5:32pm.
Vice President Gary Wieseler conducted the meeting. Staff present: Larianne Polk, Administrator Linda Shefcyk, Business Manager Mindy Reed, Secretary to the Board of Directors Marci Ostmeyer, Professional Development Director Tami Clay, Special Education Director Dan Ellsworth, Network Operations Director Tricia Spieker, Speech Language Pathology Coordinator |
1.1. Notification of Open Meetings Law
Board President or Designee
This meeting has been preceded by reasonable advance notice and is hereby declared to be in open session. A copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the meeting room. §84-1411 adjusts notice requirements for meetings of public bodies. For meetings of governing bodies of all political subdivisions of the State of Nebraska:
1.2. Roll Call
Board President or Designee
1.3. Absent Board Members
Board President or Designee
Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take action to approve the Board member absences.
Recommended Motion(s):
Approval of Board Member absences as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Marni Danhauer was absent due to personal reasons. Jennifer Miller left the meeting at 6:54pm due to personal reasons.
1.4. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President or Designee
All members present participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Approval of Agenda
Don Ellison or Designee
The sequence of agenda topics is subject to change at the discretion of the Board.
Recommended Motion(s):
Agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. Welcome Visitors
Board President or Designee
No visitors present.
4. Public Comment
Board President or Designee
The Board has the discretion to limit the amount of time set aside for public participation.
Citizens wishing to address the Board on a certain agenda item must notify the Educational Service Unit Administrator prior to the board meeting. Citizens wishing to present petitions to the Board may do so at this time. However, the Board will only receive the petitions and not act upon them or their contents.
No public comments provided.
5. Consent Agenda
Board President or Designee
Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time. If any Board member wishes to discuss an item, it must be removed from the consent agenda at which time the remaining items will be acted upon. Consent Agenda Includes:
Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take any action necessary to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Consent agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5.1. Minutes
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
5.2. Presentation of Bills #71654 through #71772 totaling $611,730.27
Board President or Designee
The summary of bills for the current month total:$611,730.27 - Bills #71654 through #71772 Inservice bills total: $0
5.3. New Hire - Chris Hilliard, District Technology Coordinator.
Administrator or Designee
New Hire - Chris Hilliard, District Technology Coordinator, starting 12.14.2020.
This is a consent item.
5.4. New Hire - Richard Stuart, Information Technology Specialist.
Administrator or Designee
New Hire - Richard Stuart, Information Technology Specialist, starting 1.28.2021.
This is a consent item.
5.5. Resignations - Kerri Jo Krivohlavek
Administrator or Designee
Include letter of resignation or retirement if available.
This is a consent item.
6. Treasurer's Report
Board President or Designee
Review the breakdown of the Treasurer's Report
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take any action necessary to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Administrator Polk discussed the cash on hand and cash reserve lines. The goal is to have 30% cash on hand which is enough to sustain salaries and grant opportunities while ESU 7 waits for payments from schools and grants. The ESU is trending toward reaching the 30% by the end of this fiscal year. The goal is to start the year with the 30% cash on hand.
7. Reading of Article I, Section 2, B Duties and Function of the Board
Board President or Designee
Policy review. No changes to consider.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve Article I, Section 2, B Duties and Function of the Board as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
This is the regular cycle of reviewing policies. There are no recommended changes to this policy.
8. Reading of Article I, Section 2, C Chief Administrator Evaluation
Board President or Designee
Policy review. No changes to consider.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve Article I, Section 2, C Chief Administrator Evaluation as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
This is the regular cycle of reviewing policies. There are no recommended changes to this policy.
9. Reading of Article III, Section 5, E Equipment, Materials, and Supplies
Board President or Designee
Policy review. No changes to consider.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve Article III, Section 5, E Equipment, Materials, and Supplies as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
This is the regular cycle of reviewing policies. There are no recommended changes to this policy.
10. Reading of Article IV, Section 10, A Professional Employees Defined
Board President or Designee
Policy review. No changes to consider.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve Article IV, Section 10, A Professional Employees Defined??????? as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
This is the regular cycle of reviewing policies. There are no recommended changes to this policy.
11. Reading of Article IV, Section 11, E Evaluations
Board President or Designee
Policy review. No changes to consider.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve Article IV, Section 11, E Evaluations as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
This is the regular cycle of reviewing policies. There are no recommended changes to this policy.
12. COVID-19 Update
Administrator or Designee
COVID-19 Update:
- Family First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA) - ESU 7 Statistics - COVID-19 Pay Resolution Administrator Polk will explain Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Emergency Family Medical Leave as it pertains to FFCRA, as is currently federal law until December 31, 2020. This information will be useful for the Board to make a decision regarding the COVID-19 Pay Resolution. After consultation with legal council it is recommended that the following resolutions be adopted and approved or reviewed every four weeks. Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to allow up to 80 hours intermittent medical leave (prorated for FTE) for corroborated COVID-19 related quarantine isolation. Any additional hours will be charged as sick. -OR- Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the ESU 7 COVID-19 Pay Resolution.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to allow up to 80 hours intermittent medical leave (prorated for FTE) for corroborated COVID-19 related quarantine isolation. Any additional hours will be charged as sick as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
Recommended Motion(s) #2:
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the ESU 7 COVID-19 Pay Resolution as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Administrator Polk reviewed the process when a motion is amended. When a motion is amended and there is a vote taken, the Board has to come back to the original motion and vote on the original motion as amended.
COVID Update - Administrator Polk reviewed the attached slides. Sick leave is different than medical leave. Medical leave is only relevant to COVID related leaves, outside of existing leave. Staff only takes medical leave if they are unable to work. Medical leave was created because of the approved COVID-19 Pay Resolution and Negotiated Agreement Addendum. The addendum is dated for the entire school year so it does not need to be approved monthly. The resolution needs to be approved monthly. Contracts - Administrator Polk reviewed the attached slides. Sick Leave - Administrator Polk reviewed the attached slides. The COVID-19 Pay Resolution and Addendum allowed for staff to work intermittently while out for COVID related absences. ESU 7 staff is committed to working and providing services to students and only used 1/3 of the leave they could have with FFCRA. The key to the FFCRA leave is staff have to be unable to work or telework. All but four staff who took medical leave were also able to work while quarantined or isolated. |
13. NASB Board of Directors - Special Election for Region 16
This special election is being held due to the seat being vacated outside of the regular election cycle. The nominees sent to us in this special election process, will be reviewed by the NASB Nomination Committee. An individual name will be forwarded to the Board of Directors at their January 2021 board meeting to be approved for the remainder of the term which is up at the end of 2022. The only requirement for a region director is membership on the local board of education. There are no limitations or prohibitions to re-election or tenure as a director. Each region director serves a 4-year term.
Informational purposes only.
14. Board Self-Assessment
Board President or Designee
Administrator Polk will provide the analysis of the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 Board Self-Assessment. Additionally, a Board Self-Evaluation tool will be provided for personal growth as an ESU 7 Board Meeting.
Administrator Polk reviewed a summary of the Board Self-Assessment that was emailed to the members in January and October. Administrator Polk would like to spend some time in a work session, before or after a board meeting, or on a separate day to go through the results more intentionally to start working on board goals. Administrator Polk would like to hear some comments about the data in January 2021.
Printed Self-Evaluation - Administrator Polk asked the Board to spend some time reflecting on their own membership and participation and requested each board member establish a personal goal prior to the January board meeting. |
15. Administrator's Report General
Administrator or Designee
Goals - Attached for your Review
Administrator's Intent to Extend Contract Board Insurance - Attached for your review. Board Vacancies ESUCC Update Upcoming Events: - The 2021 Legislative Issues Conference is currently scheduled to be held in a virtual form on Monday, February 1, 2021.
Vaccine Information - If the Board is interested in receiving the vaccine, fill out the survey Administrator Polk sent to your ESU email, to be placed on the list.
Goals - Administrator Polk will write her goals in January/February. Goals are written for a 1-year period. Intent to Extend - Administrator Polk submitted her intent to extend her contract. Board Insurance - Slide was reviewed. Board Vacancies - No additional applicants for District 6 or District 12. Bob Arp and Dawn Lindsley will be sworn in again in the January board meeting. ESUCC update - Nebraska received another 500,000 masks. The remaining GEERS dollars have been released to the schools that did not respond initially. Upcoming Events - Legislative Issues Conference February 1, 2021. If a board member is interested in attending, notify Mindy Reed. |
15.1. Services Update
Administrator or Designee
SIMPL Service Planning Update Quarterly Report - Attached for your review. December Spotlight - SLP
Spotlight - December - Tricia Spieker (SLP) reviewed the slides attached.
Questions from the board: - How long are the IEP & MDT meetings? 30-45 minutes for a normal meeting. If there are higher issues that need to be addressed, it is an average of 1 hour meeting. - How automated is the paperwork piece? We use Nebraska Student Record System. These forms are used for all the paperwork requirements for students in Special Education while in a meeting these forms can be filled out real time or someone can take notes during the meeting to complete the documentation later. - Do students typically stay in Speech Language Pathology during their school years? Students typically test out in 6th or 7th grade unless there are higher needs. - Are these services in the summer? Most students have a break during the summer however that is determined in their IEP. - What is the recommended case load? There is not a recommended case load, it depends on the work load. If you are doing a lot of Augmentative Alternative Communication, your caseload will be lower. - Do graduates of UNO typically stay in the Omaha area? Not necessarily, the degree program is a very competitive. Other Comments: A Student Teacher from UNK last year, ESU 7 hosted, is now working for ESU 8 because they offered a student loan repayment option. ESU 7 may need to become creative about how we recruit for SLPs. ESU 7 compensation is approximately $25,000 less than what we pay for a contracted SLP to fill a vacancy. SLPs have to have a wide range of education. That is part of what makes it difficult to hire them, you have to have a Master's degree to start your first day of work. We are lucky to have great professional SLPs on staff. We need to recruit quality staff for the SLPs getting ready to retire in the next few years. Service Planning - In the January 2021 Superintendent meeting, the Service Plan will be approved and it will be brought to the February Board Meeting for approval. |
15.2. Facilities Update
Administrator or Designee
Server Bids:
- DakTech Bid = $29,477.00 - Dell EMC Bid = $33,480.40 Recommendation: Discuss, consider, and take any necessary action to approve a bid.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider, and take any necessary action to approve the __________ Bid Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Director Ellsworth explained that both bids are for the exact same thing, comparing apples to apples. It is a cost savings to buy a server cluster instead of buying servers individually. Since the amount is over $10,000, Director Ellsworth is seeking board approval. Data backup against all 46 servers happen nightly.
15.3. Personnel
Administrator or Designee
Administrator Polk to discuss the difference between 245 day contracts and 185 day contracts. Not an action item.
Contracts - Administrator Polk reviewed the attached slides.
15.4. Legislative Update
Administrator or Designee
The 2021 Legislative Session begins 1.6.2021.
The 2021 Legislative Session begins 1.6.2021 with bills introduced the first 10 days.
16. Committee Reports
Committee Chair
16.1. Administrator Evaluation Committee Report
Administrator Evaluation Committee Chair
Committee Chairperson Doug Pauley will provide a summary of Administrator Polk's evaluation for 2020.
Chairperson Pauley explained that seven Board Members completed the evaluation. Chairperson Pauley met with Administrator Polk to review the evaluation. Overall Administrator Polk had shining stars and rated very distinguished in multiple categories. Administrator Polk thanked her leadership team for the work they do.
17. Conference Report
Conference Attendees
Update from members that attended the State Education Conference and/or the AESA Annual Conference.
Board Vice President Gary Weiesler, and board members Richard Stephens, Jack Young, and Joyce Baumert commented on the State Education Conference and the AESA Annual Conference sessions.
18. Adjournment
Board President or Designee
Meeting adjourned at 8:06pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Mindy Reed, Recording Secretary to the ESU 7 Board. |