October 22, 2014 at 8:30 AM - Administrator Meeting
Agenda |
1. Link to the Video of this meeting.
2. Networking Discussions
In attendance on site at ESU7: Phil Mahan(HPC), Dan Ellsworth, Larianne Polk, Dee Condon, Dave Perkins, Otis Pierce, Greg Sjuts(Humphrey)
In attendance via Zoom(Location): Sam Stecher(East Butler), Marci Ostmeyer(ESU7 at Cross County) , Chip Kay(Shelby-Rising City), Russ Freeman(Lakeview), Chad Denker(David City), Brent Hollinger(Cross County), Jeff Walburn(Howells-Dodge), David Patton(Twin River), Dan Hoesing(Schuyler), Beth Kabes(ESU7 at Leigh), Mike Montgomery(Leigh), Jeff Anderson(Fullerton), Joel Bohlken(Palmer), Freida Lange(NDE), Steve Reinhart(Osceola: joined at 11:15)
3. Critical Review
Beth gave a tour of Zoom to all in attendance.
Larianne gave a tour of eMeetings for ESU7.
Otis discussed Clarity and BrightBytes Summit that he attended on Oct 6 and 7.
Email from BrightBytes to share data with Dr Bloomstedt. Will be using data to show NDE in looking at a statewide buy as a cost savings. Demonstrate the data with Dr Bloomstedt.
4. Concussion Prevention
Cathy Schroeder, ESU 1
The Traumatic Brain Injury grant for our area is facilitated through ESU 1. The Return to Learn legislation has some required elements with regard to annual presentations and concussion management teams. Ms. Schroeder will give necessary information to schools regarding this legislation.
Cathy Schroeder - ESU1 Concussion Prevention
-BIRSST - Brain Injury Regional School Support Team for ESUs 1, 7, and 8.
Contacts in each of the ESU's - Contact Amy Slama(aslama@esu7.org) for ESU7
Return to learn packet was sent and will be in eMeeting Agenda and notes.
The Law doesn't require 3 times. But need to go to a licensed health care professional.
Some accommodations are in the Return To Learn packet. Attached within eMeetings.
Children can return when they can stand 30 min of learning activity with no increase in symptoms.
Two Types of Brain injury:
-Acquired Brain Injury - heredity
-Traumatic Brain Injury - Concussion is an example of TBI
Coup and Countercoup - Primary and Secondary Impact
Talked through the Return to Academic Progression in the Bridging the Gap document. Post concussion symptom checklist on the next page.
IMPACT Testings play in the return to athletics
**Return to Learn + Return to Play = Return to Activity**
If no Technology rest, it hurts the clearing of symptoms. Needing a solution for management if student has concussion in a 1:1 school setting.
At what point do you need to get to an SAT/504/SPED process? 2-3 weeks of symptoms.
Symptoms may not appear for up to 24 hours.
Don't need to be symptom free to come back, just be able to tolerate 30 min of mental activity.
Requesting teams be set by the end of this school year.
Powerpoint online at esu1.org as well.
NSAA website, forms and more on concussions. Don't need to reinvent the wheel.
If wanting to present to teachers, let Amy know and she will come out and present.
5. ESU's Top 7
Professional Services Team
5.1. Number 1: Erate Discussion
Beth Kabes
Upon returning from the USAC Erate Training, below are a few items that were clarified by the USAC team. 1. Rural status will be for communities of less than 2,500 population. Previously, the rural status was for communities of under 50,000, which did not include Urban Clusters. Those urban clusters of 2,500 - 50,000 are now classified as urban. The percentage difference between rural and urban depends on your NSLP (free and reduced lunch) numbers. The discount matrix will be reviewed at the Erate meeting on November 19. 2. Voice services applications, such as POTS, cellular, FAX, Long-Distance, will be phased out during the next two - four years. You will be able to apply for these services in 2015, however, your discount will be reduced by 20% each year and subsequent year. For example, if you have a 50% discount, your voice service application will be discounted at 30% for year 2015 and then assuming everything is the same in year 2016, voice services will be discounted at 10% for that same example. 3. Internet access and transport applications will continue to be funded at the new discount rate based on urban/rural status and NSLP percentages. 4. Category 2 applications, which are similar to the previous Priority 2 applications are for funding year 2015 and 2016. This application is for Internal Connections which can include wiring, wireless access points, routers, and maintenance. The amount eligible is calculated at $150 X student population. A funded application would be eligible for their discount based on the matrix from item 1 above. For these infrastructure needs and projects, be working with your local technology staff and ESU technology staff to develop a proposal. It is recommended to begin this proposal process prior to the Erate 470 meeting on November 19.
Presentation of highlights has been provided in the attachments. Will be shared with LAN/TIS meeting and ERate meeting on November 19th.
More than 60 Students $150*#of students per building. Get to count students in both buildings if students in multiple buildings during the day for category 2. $9200 if less than 60 students for Category 2.
Category 2 starts out with $1 billion. Funded for those with highest discount first, and if money left the lower percentages will be funded.
5-year project and need to apply in 2015 or 2016. Refunded over the five years as invoices come in.
Beth suggests that all districts apply in 2015. Don't wait to apply until 2016, because money may not be available.
Do need to complete an RFP. Identify what exactly that you need and if it needs to integrate with something. Not great detail is needed. Work with LAN manager and Dan to help out if needed.
Deadline is mid to end of January for Category 2 470 application.
Will know who they are funding by Sept 1, 2015.
Can start to do some things, but don't install or pay until after July 1, 2015.
What needs to be done NOW? Start to plan and determine if you want to submit for category 2. Need to complete 470 by middle of January.
Would like to do phone/fax/cellular 470s done ASAP. Contact Beth.
5.2. Number 2: NWEA
Barb Friesth/Marci Ostmeyer/Dave Perkins
All staff developers have been trained as NWEA facilitators.
NWEA has some new resources. Marci has sent information to teachers, if you want this Barb, Dave, and Marci can help with as well.
ESU7 belongs to a statewide consortium. One-time fee to ESU7 of $3200 that will be billed out to the schools, about $200. Otherwise, each school would be charged the whole fee for trainers to set foot on school campuses.
5.3. Number 3: Standards/NeSA Update
Barb Friesth/Marci Ostmeyer/Dave Perkins
ELA standards approved by board on September 5th. Have a year for local boards to act on standards with the board.
About 75% of standards have been retained.
Higher Ed have signed off on standards.
Math Standards revision will start next month. Hopes to have to state board by May. Aggressive time table.
5.4. Number 4: Robotics Scrimmage
Otis Pierce/Marci Ostmeyer
October 30th from 6:30 - 8:30 in the South Building. NOT a competition. Bring a robot even if not working.
Can apply for Perkins funds for starting a program. Fits all the guidelines. Will be a year from now as this year's funds have been allocated.
Cross County's program is keeps growing.
After scrimmage possibly have a planning session for schools wanting to do this.
5.5. Number 5: Let's Look at the Website!
Dan Ellsworth
Dan Ellsworth took the Administrators through our new website. www.esu7.org
Dan discussed how there is now a secondary email address and will be adding those to our listservs.
5.6. Number 6: Network Palooza
Dave Perkins
Dave Perkins shared Network Opportunities for teachers:
November 3 - FCS and Spanish
November 4 - Business
November 7 - Science
November 24 - PE/Health
January 26 - Industrial Tech and Ag
January 27 - Social Studies Elementary
January 29 - Social Studies Secondary
February 3 - Counselors
March 4 - Music and Art
5.7. Number 7: Title IIA Facilitator Change
Larianne Polk/Marci Ostmeyer/Barb Friesth
Three staff developers and three grants. Title IIA will move from Barb to Marci as facilitators. Barb and Marci will be working together for a little bit until Marci has a comfort level with the Grant.
Barb will still be facilitating Title I.
Marci will be sending a survey about Highly Qualified Teachers within the next week.
6. Accreditation Information and Q&A
Frieda Lange
Frieda Lange, NDE, will discuss AdvancED/NE Framework accreditation and answer questions.
Freida Lange - NDE
AdvanceED - When Assist came in, were trying to do in a single year. This needs to be carried out over every year a little at a time to make manageable.
Accountability model (LB 438) the systems thinking and alignment with AdvancEd.
Self-reflection and continuous improvement is major issue when looking at accountability.
AdvanceEd vs Frameworks? - Frameworks fill the requirement of Rule 10 for an improvement plan. When you have the right people on board will work as well.
AdvancED the power behind is looking at all of the systems that support the improvement plan. With AdvancED you are truly looking at how each part is helping with the improvement. All systems working together. Such a powerful reflective instrument. Look at over a 5-year cycle and not just a 1 and done system. Have a reflection system where all stakeholders are involved and where we really get the power of continuous improvement. Documented online, research based, forces to look at all systems and how are working together, apply to self as well when looking at standards and indicators.
Looking at accountability, has to lie under continuous improvement.
Brent Hollinger - Cross County - Perception of accreditation on college admission?
In Nebraska know what is required. If have regional accreditation, it does have certain weight in some Ivy League schools and some other universities. One of the requirements for some camps was regional accreditation. It has impacted some students in Nebraska. UNO is looking at admissions for students who have been out several years, regional accreditation has some things waived in the admission processes.
7. Administrator's Comments
Larianne Polk discussed the extent of the State audit that we are having this year.
Larianne Polk discussed the mission of ESUCC.
Chad Denker thought the Coop Meeting was productive.
Dr Bloomstedt will be here with Senators and possibly newly elected Senators. Possibly a joint meeting with ESU2 (maybe via DL). Look at doing a time that is just us with our Senators and then a joint meeting/crossover after that time.
Open Question forum with Karen Hasse during January meeting. Either via Zoom or with them in person.
Frebruary - Brice Wilson for finance.
AQuESTT - NDE's response to accountability
8. Advisory Meeting
Darus Mettler
8.1. Theme for 2014-2015
Darus Mettler
Theme for the year is: Opportunity.
8.2. Timetable
Darus Mettler
Darus Mettler explained TimeTable reporting for SPED from their work calendars. You will receive a report of the time that was spent in the district. You will only be charged for your contracted amount. Will ebb and flow depending on students. If there is a big/major change, will adjust the bill.
8.3. MOE – upcoming Maintenance of Effort calculations
Darus Mettler
Sent some information out yesterday. What need is the AFR from last year and budgeted this year. MOE has changed greatly. There are now 4 MOE's this year. Added a State and Local MOE, Per capita MOE(local only).
If match all 4 MOEs, only need to match 1 MOE. Have to meet same MOE that you met before.
Darus will talk you through this and explain further, if needed.
Due to state by Nov 15th. Get to Darus as soon as possible.
8.4. IDEA Funds – IDEA writing session in December
Darus Mettler
December 15th is the due date. Have all but 2 on doodle. Booked a three hour time slot to help write the application and send away that day. Megan will let you know what you need to bring.
8.5. Partnerships
Darus Mettler
Three partnerships that have happened:
Project SEARCH - 1 student from learning center attending at hospital. Job training and last year of their school.
LB556 - BHECN - Behavioral Health Training for teachers - grant funded - brings mental health providers into districts to help teachers teach students with mental health issues.
Haddock-Promethean - Gave us new panel for free in learning center as long as showcase to schools. 65" TV looking on a cart. Fingers or pens. Started kids on it last week. Promethean planet has flip charts for free to use. Easy search.