August 15, 2022 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Called to Order
1.1. Open Meeting Law
1.2. Meeting Properly Published and Posted
1.3. Rules for Public Participation Stated
2. Roll Call
2.1. Excused/Unexcused Absences
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
5. Program Spotlight
6. Treasurer's Financial Report
7. Approval of Claims
8. Reports of Administrators and Committees
8.1. Visitors
8.2. Principal's Reports
8.3. Activities Report
8.4. Superintendent Report
8.5. Board of Education Committee Report(s)
9. Old Business
10. New Business
10.1. Consider and Take Possible Action to Accept Resignation(s)
10.2. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve New Hire(s)
10.2.1. Consider and take possible action to approve Cheryl Percival as a long term substitute teacher.
10.3. First reading of Board Policy 5052, School Wellness. Provide an opportunity for the public to provide input. Consider and take possible action to approve the updated policy.
10.4. First reading of the MOU and Board Policy 3055 regarding the use of a School Resource Officer.
10.5. Review and take possible action to approve the nursing contract with the Genoa Hospital for the 2022-23 school year.
10.6. Review Board Policy 3014 Use of School Property.
10.7. Consider and take possible action to change the milk prices for the 2022-23 school year from $.35 to $.45.
10.8. Discuss the agreement and take possible action to approve the agreement to co-op with Osceola Public Schools for baseball for the 2022-23 school year.
10.9. Review and take action to approve the Twin River Illness Plan.
10.10. Consider and take possible action to move $125,000 from the general fund to the depreciation fund.
10.11. Consider and take possible action to closeout and move the Qualified Capital Purpose Underlying Fund to the general fund in the amount of approximately $117,403.18.
10.12. Consider and take possible action to close and move the Student Fee Fund to the general fund in the amount of $1,382.05.
10.13. Review the proposed superintendent evaluation tool from NASB.
10.14. Consider and take possible action to declare obsolete and unusable technology as surplus.
11. Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting
12. Executive Session
13. Adjournment