April 13, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
The mission of Gothenburg Public Schools, in partnership with the entire community, is to prepare all students within a positive, innovative, learning environment to become lifelong learners in the 21st century. A copy of the open meetings law is posted on the wall of the Board Room and is available to the public. |
2. Approve the Agenda
The Board reserves the right to rearrange the order of items as needed.
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Business Items
4.1. Action Items
4.1.1. Consent Agenda
| Approval of Previous Minutes
| Approve The Treasurer's Report
| Approve The Warrants/Bills
| Excuse Absent Board Members
| Consider Option Enrollment Request
Austin Canas, 4th from Eustis-Farnam 2014-15 Jhett Daum, Kindergarten from Cozad 2015-16 Ellie Martin, 11th from Medicine Valley 2015-16
Angelina Penn, 4th to Brady 2014-15 Landin Purcell, 3rd to Brady 2014-15 |
4.1.2. Discuss, consider and approve the 2015-16 school calendar
Dr. Teahon has worked with the administrative team, the Executive Council, the instructional model implementation team, and the habitudes committee to develop the calendar for the 2015-2016 school year. The 2015-16 calendar will have subtle changes from calendars in recent years. The 2015-16 calendar will include additional time for professional development to allow for effective implementation of the Marzano Instructional model and for preparation for a 2nd district accreditation external visitation.
Gothenburg Public Schools will be in the second year of the implementation of the Marzano instructional model. Implementation of an intensive instructional model requires a consistent and structured plan to allow for maximum impact on instruction and, ultimately, student learning. Gothenburg Public Schools will also be preparing for an AdvancEd external visitation which will occur during the 2016-17 school year. Preparation for such visit is more effective if it takes place over multiple years. Attached is the final version of the 2015-16 calendar and a brief summary highlighting changes.
4.1.3. Consider resignations of certificated staff (Executive Session Possible)
Resignations from Mrs. Deb Miller, Ms. Hilary Lengel and Mr. Wade Houchin have been received. Mrs. Miller is retiring after serving as a 6th grade teacher for the past 16 years in Gothenburg Public Schools. Ms. Lengel has accepted a teaching position McCook Public Schools. Mr. Houchin has accepted a position in the York Public Schools. Thank you for your service to the students and community of Gothenburg.
4.1.4. Consider initial contract for certificated staff for the 2015-16 school year
(Executive Session Possible)
The principals have offered contracts and will provide additional information at the meeting. See attachment for details.
4.1.5. Consider settlement for unused vacation (Executive Session Possible)
Upon review of all employee contracts the board discovered a Nebraska Supreme Court ruling obligates the district to compensate for unused vacation. The Gothenburg Public School board has been advised by their attorney that it is in their best interest to offer Dr. Teahon a one-time settlement of $15,000 for unused vacation days accumulated during the past 14 years of service to the district. The settlement will serve to limit current and future liability. No other district contracts were affected by the ruling. |
4.2. Reports
4.2.1. Board of Education Reports
Personnel Committee
Facilities Committee Special Committee (Traffic) |
4.2.2. Administrative Reports
a. Facilities (Mr. Holmes)
b. Transportation (Mr. Holmes) c. Primary (Mrs. Jonas) d. Elementary (Mr. Widdifield) e. Junior High and Curriculum (Mr. Groene) f. Activities (Mr. Ryker) g. High School (Mr. Evans) h. Superintendent (Dr. Teahon) |
5. Discussion Items
Upcoming events |
6. Next Meeting - May 11, 2015 (Time TBD)
The May board meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 11. Honors night is at 7:00 p.m. so it is recommended that the meeting be held at noon or at 5:30 p.m. We will not schedule presenters.
7. Adjournment