May 14, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Planning Commission
Agenda |
1. Statement of Compliance with Open Meetings Act and roll call.
2. Minutes of April 9, 2018, meeting.
3. Public hearing - Application of Arthur Frewing, PVP Properties, for final plat and subdivision agreement of ShadyLake Meadows Subdivision located on the north side of 23 Street and proposed 56 Avenue.
4. Public hearing - Determine whether ShadyLake Meadows Subdivision should be included within corporate city limits.
5. Public hearing - Application of Meadow Ridge Properties, LLC for preliminary plat of Deer Run Estates Subdivision located in the 5800 block of Shady Lake Road.
6. Public hearing - Application of Loup Power District for preliminary plat of Energy Triangle Addition located south of Lost Creek Parkway and east of Old Monastery Road.
7. Public hearing - Application of SMI Holding to rezone property located at 1261 24 Avenue from "B-1" (Central Business District) to "B-2" (General Commercial District) zone and amend the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan.
8. Public hearing - Application of PVP Properties, LLC to rezone property located on the north side of 23 Street and proposed 56 Avenue from "RR" (Rural Residential District) to "R-1" (Single-Family Residential District) and "R-2" (Urban-Family Residentail District) and amend the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan.
9. Public hearing - Application of Lyman-Richey Corporation for a special use permit to allow resource extraction in an "RR" (Rural Residential District) zone located south of Shady Lake Road and 78 Avenue, also known as 235 Avenue.
10. Public hearing - Application of Scrib's House Moving, Inc., on behalf of Antonio Cubanas, for a permit to move a house from 1208 11 Street to a location outside of the city's jurisdiction.
11. Appointment of Nominating Committee for Chair and Vice Chair.
12. Building report for April 2018.
13. Adjournment