February 18, 2025 at 6:30 PM - 2nd Council Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Mayor Mike Feeken calls City Council meeting to order, with the "Pledge of Allegiance" and the "Open Meeting Statement" as required by NE State Statutes 84-1407 through 84-1414; Mayor Feeken also states that the City Council may vote to go into Closed Session on any agenda item as allowed by NE State Statute 84-1410.
2. Submittal of Requests for Future Agenda Items
3. Reserve Time to Speak on an Agenda Item
4. Discuss - Approve / Deny JEO Consulting Group (Bierman Contracting, Inc.) Change Order #2 in the amount of $10,103 regarding the St. Paul Fire Station at 4th and Kendall Streets, St. Paul, NE. The Contract is changed as follows: (1) South wall of apparatus (75 LF) to receive 8' tall hat channel, 3/4" plywood, and FRP panel $10,435; (2) Install wood wall backing for (2) TV locations $300; (3) Moving Hotsy water rough-in location to the east wall $356; and (4) Adding power and data above door 101c / Adding HDMI conduit at (2) TV locations $350; (5) Relocating Hotsy power rough-in location to the east wall. Trade shorter run from panel for recess mounting boxes above counter on the south wall at no cost; (6) Moving (1) power and data location from SW corner @ 46" AFF to be above door 114f to accommodate the TV location at no cost; (7) Move (2) convenience outlets on south wall of apparatus from 46" AFF to be above lockers approximately 84" AFF; and (8) Overhead and Profit (10%) $1,145.
5. Discuss - Approve / Deny Bierman Contracting, Inc. Fire Station Construction Pay Request #8 in the amount of $91,674.05 regarding general conditions, testing allowance; site work, miscellaneous steel fabrication and site items, Pre-Engineered Metal Building (PEMB) material/erection and east storm drainage.
City Clerk Beck will transfer $91,674.05 from the Fire Station Construction NPAIT account and deposit it to the Fire Station Construction Checking account to absorb the pay request.
6. Discuss - Approve / Deny Consent Agenda Items: (1) Treasurer's Report January 2025; (2) Minutes of February 3, 2025 (regular); (3) Disbursements February 18, 2025; (4) James Summers and Trevor Kowalski attending the free NeRWA Workshop on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at the Wood River City Hall; and (5) Transferring $200,000 from the City Heritage Bank (Utility Billing) Checking Account #411025 and Depositing into the City Homestead Bank Checking Account #100027. The transfer will pay for City disbursements.
7. Discuss / Introduce Ordinance #1056, an ordinance granting Black Hills Nebraska Gas, LLC d/b/a Black Hills Energy, a Delaware corporation, its lessees, successors and assigns, a natural gas franchise and the authority to construct, operate, maintain, and extend a natural gas distribution plant and system, and granting the right to use the streets, alleys, and other public places within the present or future corporate limits of the City of St. Paul, Nebraska.
(1) Introduce, with NO second; (2) Waive Reading, with second and roll call; (3) Final Passage, with second and roll call.
8. Discuss / Introduce Ordinance #1057, an ordinance establishing a "franchise fee" on Energy Providers operating in the City of St. Paul, Nebraska.
(1) Introduce, with NO second; (2) Waive Reading, with second and roll call; (3) Final Passage, with second and roll call.
9. Discuss - Approve / Deny utilization of Zelle HR Solutions for professional review of the City of St. Paul's 1597 IBEW Union Labor Contract Agreement.
10. Utilities Superintendent Helzer updates
11. Chief of Police Howard updates:
(1) Nuisance & Incident Report; |
12. Mayor Mike Feeken updates:
13. Public Announcements
14. Closed Session: The City of St. Paul reserves the right to go into Closed Session when it is clearly necessary to protect the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual; or pending litigation
15. Mayor Feeken adjourns City Council meeting.
16. Informational Items:
(1) Receipts January 2025; (2) Housing Authority Minutes January 8, 2025;
17. This agenda, including supporting documentation, is available for public viewing during normal business hours at the City Office, 704 6th Street, St. Paul, Nebraska.
The City of St. Paul abides by the Nebraska Open Meetings Act in conducting business. A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is on display in the meeting room as required by Nebraska State Law. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to enter into an Executive Session at any time during the meeting, in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act, even though the closed session may not be indicated on the Agenda. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Council to take up the items on the agenda in sequential order. However, the Mayor and City Council reserves the right to take up matters in a different order to accommodate the schedules of the City Council members, person(s) having items on the agenda, and the public. The City of St. Paul reserves the right to adjust the order of items on the agenda. Anyone wishing to speak may be limited to three (3) to five (5) minutes per person. Please utilize the podium and clearly state your name and address for the record and the agenda topic you wish to speak upon in a professional manner. |