November 12, 2018 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Declaration of Intend – Open Meetings Act
2. Call to Order
2.1. Pledge of Allegiance
2.2. Roll Call of Members
2.3. Approval of Agenda
2.4. Members Questions, Comments, Concerns, Communications and Reports.
3. Recognition of Visitors/Public Forum
3.1. Recognition of Newly Elected Board Members
Buffalo Country has not yet certified their voting results, and there are around 200 provisional votes to be certified. With today (Monday) being a holiday they will not meet until Tuesday the 13th. At the time of this posting, and likely at the time of the BOE meeting, we may not have certified election results.
Reminder: December 17 -- Special Board Meeting for All members including newly elected members, and exiting members. NASB - Marcia Herring will go through board duties and relationships |
4. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Approval of the Monthly bills, Claims and Payroll
4.3. Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report.
5. Administrative Report
5.1. Principal's Report
5.2. Superintendent's Report
6. Personnel
6.1. Resignation/Retirement of Lawana McFarland
Executive Summary:
Shortly after the 2018 Audit was completed I was approached by Lawana about the idea of her retiring. Then on November 1 Lawana provided me with a letter of resignation (attached). It is my sad duty to inform the board that after 30 years of dedicated service to the district, Lawana will be retiring at the end of the 2018 calendar year to be with her family and enjoy so very well deserved retirement time. Her service will be missed by everyone in the district and community. She had play a very valuable role in the last 30 years, and we all owe her a great deal of gratitude. Where we can replace the employee, we can not replace the person. The advertising process began on November 2nd and will remain open until the position is filled. Lawana has graciously agreed to finish out 2018 if needed
7. Business Items
7.1. Consideration of Purchase of Suburban for Transportation Fleet
Executive Summary:
The board asked for information about adding a suburban(s) to the transportation fleet. We have contacted venders in our area and have three different responses.
7.2. Consideration of Purchase of Transport Trailer
Executive Summary:
There are several programs within the school that would benefit from the use of a school owned enclosed trailer. Most recently the one-act play used a trailer for transport to their performance in Elm Creek. Other groups who have used a trailer in the past include the FFA/AG dept., Band and various sports groups. In addition to these groups, there have been several items that we have had to make multiple trips with the van or vans that would the trailer would save time and gas. The trailer would be contingent upon the purchase of a suburban to tow it with.
7.3. Consideration of Approval of Anna Harder as a Local Sub.
Executive Summary:
Local Subs need to have their initial and renewal certificates renewed by NDE. NDE requires the recommendation from district superintendent, which I have attached, and then the board acceptance as a local sub. It would be my recommendation for the board to Recognize Anna Harder as a local sub for the SEM school district.
7.4. Consideration of Sealed bids for surplus shop items
Executive Summary:
Mrs. Wolfinger identified three items that were no longer being utilized or have been replaced in the shop area as surplus. Mrs. Wolfinger provided information for posting and the items were posted on the website and our FB page. We did receive sealed bids for the items. It is the teachers request, and my recommendation that we accept the highest offer to increase working space in the shop which will be a positive safety step. |
7.5. Consideration of removing Cynthia Wendall from the associated SEM checking accounts.
8. Discussion Items
8.1. Consideration of JUUL/VAPE policy
Executive Summary:
I have included a notification and article from our school attorney (KSB LAW) on a new issues facing schools. The article and their update explain the issues well, so I won't get into a lot of detail about this. However, I would like to comment that SEM has already had this situation arise. The implementation of this policy does not change the boards stance on tobacco, tobacco use, e-cigarettes or vaping, but what is does do is to clarify through school policy that all materials dealing with LUULING or VAPING will not be permissible on school grounds, or at any school activity or on any school vehicles owned or operated by SEM.
8.2. Consideration of Competition Gym Bleachers
Executive Summary:
The board has request information about potential replacement of the bleachers in the competition gym. We have request from several venders information about the costs, and at this time have only received one copy. The only estimate we have at this time is fro Combined Building Specialties from Sioux Falls. SD of $82,524.00 Recommendation: I would recommend having a representative get information during the upcoming State Convention about new bleachers. In the years prior, there has been gym specialists at the convention, and often they have special convention pricing. I would then recommend presenting that information at the December 2018 BOE meeting. I would be willing to serve as the representative if that is the wishes of the board.
8.3. Negotiations 2019-2020
Executive Summary:
In late October the Educators Health Alliance (EHA) provided Nebraska school districts with the rate changes for the 2019-2020 school year. If you remember, there was a 0% increase for the 2018-2019 school year. For the up coming year, the cost of health insurance will increase to 5.2 % and Dental rates to 1.0% giving the overall increase of 4.99% The deductible would go from a current cost of $900.00 to $850.00. On behalf of the BOE, I met with Mr. Bosak, representing the SEM-EA on October 29, 2018 to share current information, and the projections I have obtained from NorthStar (sparq data). I have attached the 2018-2019 Negotiated agreement as a reference if you are inquiring about last year. Time Frame:
8.4. Discussion on purchase of land for Weight Room site and the options to the district.
Executive summary:
The board may wish to move to executive session to discuss this time. |
8.4.1. Executive Session
9. Adjourn
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.