April 13, 2020 at 7:00 PM - BOE Meeting Template
Agenda |
1. Opening Procedures
1.1. Call meeting to order
Executive/Closed Session may be necessary during this meeting for either: 1) Protection of the public interest; or, 2) The prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if the individual has not requested a public meeting. Recognition of Visitors: The Board of Education encourages citizens to take advantage of the opportunity to address the Board at its regular meetings. Such opportunities will ordinarily be limited to the, "Communications from the Public" section of the meeting. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be done by interested persons emailing their comment to the Board President to read during the "Communications from the Public" section. In compliance with Nebraska statute 84-1412 the Open Meetings Act is posted on our Public Meetings Page: https://meeting.sparqdata.com/Public/Organization/197 |
1.2. Roll Call
Excuse absent board members
1.3. Acknowledge meeting notice and announcement
1.4. Approve agenda
1.5. Communication from the Public
1.6. Approval of Consent Agenda
Previous Meetings Minutes General Fund Claims in the amount of $72,430.88 Lunch Fund Claims in the amount of $8,260.84 Depreciation Fund Claims in the amount of $ Special Building Fund Claims in the amount of $28,024.00 Payroll expenditures in the amount of $404,965.57 Financial Reports Correspondence to the Board and Accommodations:
1.7. Items Removed From the Consent Agenda
1.7.1. N/A
1.7.2. N/A
2. Matters Requiring Board Action
2.1. Consideration and possible action to approve a COVID-19 Local Emergency Declaration
2.2. Consideration and possible action to approve 7-12 Language Arts candidate and contract for the 2020-21 school year.
Brett Sales has been offered the Language Arts position and has accepted pending board approval.
2.3. Consideration and possible action to approve a 1st grade teaching candidate and contract for the 2020-21 school year.
Delaney Roberts has been offered the First Grade position and has accepted pending board approval.
2.4. Consideration and possible action to approve the adoption of K-5 Reading Curriculum in the amount of $54,594.63 and Grade 6 reading curriculum in the amount of $4424.26.
Reading curriculum options were discussed with the curriculum committee in March. This particular option entails all-inclusive reading curriculum for seven years and professional development with the company to ensure our staff fully understands its capacity.
2.5. Consideration and possible action to approve Classified Staff Negotiations settlement for the 2020-21 school year.
2020-21 Recommendation:
3. Reports
3.1. Administrative Reports
Mr. Havelka: |
3.2. Facilities
3.3. Board of Education
Parent complaint
Superintendent Evaluation |
4. Announcements
4.1. Next regular meeting: May 11th, 7:00PM
Freeman Media Center, 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 11th
5. Adjournment