September 11, 2023 Or immediately following Levy Hearing - BOE Meeting Template
Agenda |
1. Opening Procedures
1.1. Call meeting to order
Executive/Closed Session may be necessary during this meeting for either: 1) Protection of the public interest; or, 2) The prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if the individual has not requested a public meeting. Recognition of Visitors: The Board of Education encourages citizens to take advantage of the opportunity to address the Board at its regular meetings. Such opportunities will ordinarily be limited to the, “Communications from the Public” section of the meeting. When there are several persons who wish to address the Board at a meeting, the Board President shall have the authority to limit the amount of time provided to each speaker. In compliance with Nebraska statute 84-1412 the Open Meetings Act is posted within the meeting room. |
1.2. Roll Call
Excuse absent board members
1.3. Acknowledge meeting notice and announcement
Notice of this public meeting was published in the Voice News on August 31, 2023. Notice was also posted at the entrance of Freeman Public Schools, Adams Post Office, and First State Bank in Filley.
1.4. Approve agenda
1.5. Freeman Falcon Spotlight
Tonight we will be recognizing our newly elected Elementary Student Council (FRESCO) officers and class representatives.
President- Gracelynn Weyer Vice President- Millie Garton Secretary- Ruby Rinne Class Representatives- Leyna Ahlschwede, Jack Bruns, Deighton Dorn, Neeley Flesner, Bryleigh Ideus, Keaton Novacek, Reagan Sieh |
1.6. Communication from the Public
1.7. Approval of Consent Agenda
Previous Meetings Minutes General Fund Claims in the amount of $230,605.54 Lunch Fund Claims in the amount of $16,043.54 Depreciation Fund Claims in the amount of $31,168.62 Special Building Fund Claims in the amount of $3154.80 Payroll expenditures in the amount of $482,300.87 Financial Reports Correspondence to the Board and Accommodations:
1.8. Items Removed From the Consent Agenda
1.8.1. N/A
1.8.2. N/A
2. Discussion Items
2.1. Discussion of Clark & Enersen Facility Study
Review of facility planning website
Informational Meeting Schedule: - Monday, 9/25 (Staff PD Day) - Wednesday 9/27, 7:00 PM - Monday, 10/16, 7:00 PM (Conferences) - Tuesday, 11/7, 7:00 PM (Following PTO Meeting) |
3. Matters Requiring Board Action
3.1. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to adopt resolution increasing the school district's base growth percentage used to determine the school district's property tax request authority by up to 7%.
3.2. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed budget for the 2023-24 school year as presented.
Final questions, discussion, and possible action regarding the proposed budget for the 2023-2024 school year.
3.3. Consideration and possible action to approve the 2023-2024 proposed levy as presented.
Questions, discussion, and possible action on the proposed levy for the 2023-2024 school year.
3.4. Consideration and possible action to place $500,000 of the General Fund balance into a 9-month Certificate of Deposit through Adams State Bank.
3.5. Consideration and possible action to purchase a 2025 71-passenger bus
Freeman received quotes from 2 companies for 71-passenger buses:
1. Cornhusker International Cummins 6.7L 250 HP Engine, Allison 6-Speed Transmission, Roof-Mounted Air, Camera System 2. Freightliner-Thomas Cummins 6.7L 220 HP Engine, Allison 6-SPeed Transmission, Roof-Mounted Air, Camera System |
3.6. Consideration and possible action to place $100,000 of the Depreciation Fund balance into a Certificate of Deposit through Adams State Bank.
3.7. Consideration and possible action to review policies 4054, 4056, 4057, 4058, 5002, 5002.1, 5006, and 5007.
Monthly policy review
3.8. Consideration and possible action to amend the 2023-24 Freeman student handbook.
Students who do not finish their day at school, for any other reason than a medical appointment, a school-approved absence, a funeral, or a college visit are unable to attend school activities that evening. Unique circumstances may require special permission, granted by administration.
4. Reports
4.1. Administrative Reports
Mr. Havelka: Mr. Wallinger: Mrs. Sieh: |
4.2. Facilities
4.3. Board of Education
NASB State Education Conference - Registration due September 13th
- November 16, 17 Area Membership Meeting - September 27th in Nebraska City |
5. Announcements
5.1. Next regular meeting: October 9th 7:00 PM
Freeman Media Center, 7:00 p.m., Monday,
6. Adjournment