May 8, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Excuse Absent Board members
1.3. Pledge of Allegiance
1.4. Open Meetings Act
1.5. Madison Public Schools Mission Statement
2. Consent Agenda
3. Public Forum
4. Administrator and Other Reports
4.1. Athletic Director report
4.2. Elementary Principal’s report
4.3. Student Services report
4.4. Secondary Principal’s report
4.5. Superintendent’s report
5. Board Committee Reports/Meeting dates
6. Action Items
6.1. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on a request on the behalf of Mike Sunderman for a retirement agreement.
6.2. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve an administrative contract with Reid Ehrisman to serve as Athletic Director and Physical Education Teacher.
6.3. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve a contract with Kayla Herfel as Elementary Teacher for the 2017-2018 school year.
6.4. Discuss, Consider, and take all necessary action to approve at 0.43 FTE contract with Jaci Palmer to teach online classes and support our AG Program for 2017-2018
6.5. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on a change order to move the location of the ERV unit.
6.6. Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to set lunch and breakfast prices for the 2017-2018 school year.
6.7. Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to cast a ballot for NASB Legislation Committee Member District #15.
7. Executive Session
7.1. Discuss classified staff compensation and benefit package to protect the public interest and prevent needless injury to a staff member’s reputation.
8. Any Action resulting from Executive Session.
8.1. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on classified salaries and benefits for the 2017-2018 school year.
9. Topics for next month's Board of Education meeting
10. Adjournment