January 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. Open Meetings Act
1.4. Madison Public Schools Mission Statement
2. Annual Board of Education Organizational Items
3. Nomination(s) for the election of Board of Education President for 2019.
4. Nomination(s) for the election of Board of Education Vice President for 2019.
5. Nomination(s) for and election for Board of Education Secretary for 2019.
6. Appointment of Board of Education Treasurer for 2019
7. Appointment of Board of Education Attorney(s) for 2019.
8. Appointment of Board of Education Standing Committees.
9. Set Official district Depository(ies)
10. Appointment of Superintendent Ehlers as authorized representative for ESSA, SIG, CSI, and other grant applications for Madison Public Schools.
11. Set Regular Board of Education meeting dates, times and locations for 2019.
12. Consent Agenda
13. Administrator and Other Reports
14. Board Committee Reports/Meeting dates
15. Action Items
15.1. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve resignation/ retirement letter from Mary Abler and to thank her for years of service to the District.
15.2. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on a concrete and soil testing bid for site testing.
15.3. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve adding the position of Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction.
15.4. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the Job Description for Director of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction.
15.5. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the 2018-2024 Strategic Plan.
15.6. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on a letter from Kayla Herfel to resign her position as instructional coach contingent on her ability to return to the district as a teacher.
15.7. Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to recognize the MEA as the exclusive bargaining agent for the district's non-supervisory certificated staff excluding the nursing staff for the 2020-2021 contract year.
15.8. Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to go out for Bids/RFP for the purchase and installation of wireless network electronics.
16. Topics for next month's Board of Education meeting
17. Adjournment