May 13, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Motion to Excuse Board Member's Absence
3. Open Meeting Law
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Regular Minutes of April 15, 2020
4.2. Financial Statement/Report
4.3. Monthly Bills
5. Correspondence/Recognition
6. Public Forum
7. Discussion Items
7.1. Administrative Reports
7.2. Curriculum Report
7.3.1. Goal 1: Continue a visible presence within the schools, the school community, and state.
7.3.2. Goal 2: Continue the creation of a 10-year facilities strategic plan for implementation that addresses maintenance and improvements for existing building assets.
7.3.3. Goal 3: Develop progress monitoring tools to evaluate the effectiveness of district initiatives to ensure sustainability over time.
7.3.4. Goal 4: Create a two-way proactive and cohesive communications plan to inform and educate students, staff, and community members on district issues.
7.3.5. 2019-2020 Raymond Central Strategic Plan
7.4. Facilities Report
7.5. Review of Technology Plan
7.6. Update of Raymond Central Crisis and Safety Protocol
7.7. Committee on American Civics (Breitkreutz - chair, Springer, Burklund)
7.8. Transportation Committee (Black- Chair, Breitkreutz, Springer)
7.9. Finance Committee (Springer- chair, Blanchard, Breitkreutz)
7.10. Facilities Committee (Blanchard- chair, Springer, Burklund)
7.11. Negotiations Committee (Black- chair, Gould, Blanchard)
7.12. Curriculum Committee (Gould - chair, Black, Burklund)
7.13. Policy Committee (Springer- chair, Gould, Black)
7.14. NASB Monthly Update
7.15. Lease Purchase Terms and Agreement - Consider, discuss, and take all necessary action
7.16. Review Public Forum Presentation(s) - Consider, discuss, and take all necessary action
8. Action Items
8.1. Approval of Staff Appointment(s)
8.2. Approval of Multicultural Report(s)
8.3. Amend Policy #5303 - Secret Organization, Hazing, Fundraising, and Supervision
8.4. Approval of June 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM Hearing for the following policies: 5415 Bullying - 5419 Restraint and Seclusion - 6400 Parent Involvement
8.5. Approval of Next Regular Board Meeting - Wednesday, June 10, 2020
9. Adjournment
10. Important Upcoming Dates: