January 11, 2017 at 9:00 AM - Board Retreat
Agenda |
1. 9:00 am Coffee & Rolls, Set Up
Others present: Ray Collins Supt, Mike Lucas
2. 9:15 am Topics (Board Member Requests)
2.1. SPED demographics--student needs and try to peer into the crystal ball of our future in SPED
2.2. Update on providing tech services and tech training for staff--we lost a network administrator and are not sure we can or need to hire on full-time BUT we still need something- Off-site vendor also need an Ed Tech integration person
2.3. Option enrollment discussion-We are pretty open and have a positive net option. We DO set some capacity limits.
2.4. Mentoring programs---what's out there and how to get something back into our system.
2.5. Building projects discussion
2.6. Charter schools and Vouchers discussion
3. Legislation--Impact for Education
4. 12:00-12:30 pm Working Lunch
5. 12:30-2:00 pm Principal/AD Forum (Keith has another meeting and will arrive late)
5.1. Strengths of the System/Building
5.2. Actions to Date
5.3. Challenges/Needs
6. NASB Vision Questions
6.1. What are the expectations for successful graduates of WC?
6.2. What knowledge, skills and attitudes should they possess?
6.3. What are the barriers to reaching that goal at the local level?
6.4. Are you engaging community partners? If so, who, how and who should be at the table but is not?
6.5. What Traditional and non-traditional State level partners need to be engaged?
6.6. What can the NASB do to help?
7. 2:30-3:30 pm 2017 Board Goal Setting
8. 3:45 pm Wrap up and Adjourn to Supper