March 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
President Riechers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Recognition of visitors and procedures to address board
Other guests present were: Ellie Binder, Kelly Kalkwarf, Ray Collins, Jeff Hatcliff, Dan Conway and Christine Radcliff.
4. Adjustments to the Agenda
5. Public Forum
6. Consent Items
6.1. Board Members receipt of notice of meeting acknowledgment
6.2. Public notice of meeting acknowledgement
6.3. Approval of the Agenda
6.4. Approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of February 15, 2021
6.5. Approval of the Claims and financial reports:
6.5.1. General Fund - $ 575,768.62
6.5.2. Special Building Fund - $ 15,413.29
6.5.3. Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund
6.5.4. Depreciation Fund
6.5.5. Bond Fund
6.5.6. Employment Benefit Fund
6.6. Employment/Resignation
6.6.1. Hire Valerie Ellis as Spanish Teacher
6.6.2. Accept resignation of Emily Rohrer, 2nd Grade Teacher
6.6.3. Retirement of Donna Kovar, 5th Grade Teacher
7. Agenda
7.1. Unfinished Business
7.1.1. Hear updates and consider, discuss and act on any items that may need to be acted on in regard to COVID
7.1.2. Mr. Collins update on the Auditorium improvement project. Note: bid opening will be March 19th at 2:00 p.m. and special meeting to accept, reject or modfy bids on March 26th at 4:30 pm.
7.2. New Business
7.2.1. Consider, discuss and act on exit comments from the Cognia Accreditation which may include discussion or action regarding the appropriateness of continuing with Cognia as our Accreditation partner.
The Board will wait on this action until we see the final report. The Board would like to look at a cost comparison.
7.2.2. Report on Telephone system replacement considerations and progress
We have met with Diode and will be meeting this week with Kidwell to see what services are offered and to get proposals for a new system.
7.2.3. March 1 Certified Budget Authority and State Aid
7.2.4. Review and discuss NASB/NDE presentation on school Approval, Accreditation, and Accountability
8. Administrative Reports
8.1. K-6 Building Update
Mrs. Radcliff presented a report to the Board members on the K-5 building.
8.2. 7-12 Building Update
Mr. Conway updated the Board members on the 6-12 building.
8.3. Activities/Technology/Transportation Update
Mr. Hatcliff updated the Board members on the activities, transportation and technology.
8.4. Department Report
8.5. Superintendent's Absence Report
9. Information and Communications
9.1. NRCSA State Conference-Kearney Holiday Inn, March 24-26
10. Executive Session
11. Next Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, April 19, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
12. Adjourn
Hearing no objections, President Riechers adjourned the meeting at 7:57 p.m.