June 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM - McCook City Council
Agenda |
Roll Call.
Excuse Absences. |
Open Meetings Act Announcement.
Invocation - McCook Ministerial Association - Kyle Dellevoet, McCook Christian Church.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Call to Order.
1. Announcements & Recognitions.
2. Presentation.
2.A. Paul Grieger with D.A. Davidson regarding the upcoming swimming pool bond issue.
2.B. Consider Ordinance No. 2023-3069 of the City of McCook, Nebraska, on first reading and under suspension of the rules, authorizing and providing for the issuance of municipal improvement bonds, Series 2023, of the City of McCook, Nebraska, in the principal amount of, not to exceed, $6,700,000 for the purpose of paying the costs of constructing public infrastructure improvements related to the new McCook Municipal Swimming Pool.
2.B.1. Chairperson asks Clerk to read Ordinance by title.
2.B.2. Consider statutory rule requiring reading on three separate occasions be suspended. Motion to suspend the rule must be adopted by three-fourths of the Council.
2.B.3. Final passage of Ordinance No. 2023-3069.
2.B.4. Chairperson declaration after vote, if approved.
3. Consent Agenda.
*The Consent Agenda is approved on one motion. Any item listed on the Consent Agenda may, by the request of any single Council member or public in attendance, be considered as a separate item under the Regular Agenda. |
3.A. Approve the minutes of the June 5, 2023 regular City Council meeting.
3.B. Receive and file the claims for the month of May 2023, published June 9, 2023.
3.C. Ratify the City of McCook Corrective Action Plan with the Nebraska Department of Transportation regarding the reporting of federal assistance received on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) in the annual single audit.
3.D. Approve the amended request from Starla Werkmeister to change the date to host a Color Fun Run Fundraiser utilizing city streets from June 10, 2023 from 6:45 A.M. to noon, to June 24, 2023 at the same time.
3.E. Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the 2023/2024 contract with the West Central Area Agency on Aging (WCNAAA) for the purpose of defining and specifying the separate and mutual responsibilities of each in the management, operation, support, monitoring, and evaluation of the McCook Heritage Senior Center.
3.F. Approve the agreements between the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the City of McCook for the purpose of providing home delivered meals, exempt public transportation, local medical transportation for appointments and other local transportation and authorize the Mayor to sign.
3.G. Ratify the Mayor’s appointment to the Library Advisory Board - reappoint Staci Blomstedt - term expires June 2027.
3.H. Authorize the City Manager to fill the comprehensive Plan Steering Committee with a cross-section of community representatives.
3.I. Approve an application from Telcom Construction to occupy City right-of-way for the purpose of replacing telephone cable for 204 West "P" Street
3.J. Ratify the approval of the application for a Special Designated Liquor License submitted by Donna Vlasin, Liquor License #CK-097364, for a wedding reception to be held at The Barn, 1701 US Hwy. 83, on July 1, 2023 from 4:00 P.M. to 12:00 A.M.
4. Regular Agenda.
4.A. Approve for the City of McCook to receive a $25,000 donation from the McCook Community Foundation to assist in the establishment of the Rural Workforce Housing Fund.
4.B. Approve the contract between the City of McCook and Carrothers Construction Company for construction management services for the new McCook Municipal Pool.
4.C. Ordinance No. 2023-3067 permitting a zoning change from Residential Medium Density (RM) District to Business Commercial (BC) District for the following described property: Replatted Lot Three, Block Six, Second High School Addition to the City of McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska.
4.C.1. Chairperson asks Clerk to read Ordinance by title.
4.C.2. Consider approval of Ordinance No. 2023-3067 upon its third and final reading.
4.C.3. Chairperson declaration after vote, if approved.
4.D. Ordinance No. 2023-3068 allowing for a zoning change from Agricultural (AG) District to Industrial Heavy (IH) District for the following described property: a tract of land located in the SW 1/4 Section 28, Township 3 North, Range 29 West of the 6th P.M. in Red Willow County, Nebraska, said property located in the proposed McCook Business Park - Phase II Addition to the City of McCook, Red Willow County, Nebraska.
4.D.1. Chairperson asks Clerk to read Ordinance by title.
4.D.2. Consider approval of Ordinance No. 2023-3068 upon its third and final reading.
4.D.3. Chairperson declaration after vote, if approved.
4.E. Discuss and approve the 2023-2024 budget schedule.
4.F. Council Comments.