January 9, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge
3. Roll Call
4. Call for changes to the Agenda-Consent Agenda (Items on the Consent Agenda which require discussion should be moved to the Regular Agenda at this time).
5. Superintendent's Report
5.A. NDCEL Legislative Presentation from Dr. Aimee Copas
6. Public Comment
7. Old Business
7.A. Adopt policies ABECA Lunch Services Donation and HEAG Capital Asset Policy, second reading
8. New Business
8.A. Approve Budget Adjustments for the CTE Building and movement to the Construction Document phase of the project.
8.B. ASB Innovation Presentation
8.C. Long Term Innovation Presentation
8.D. Approve Contract Renewal with the Agri Sports Complex.
8.E. Appoint Mr. Robert Conley to the Facility Advisory Committee.
8.F. Approve Salary Adjustments for the Director of Teaching and Learning and the Director of Media Centers.
8.G. Approve Food Service Contract Renewal with CDI
8.H. Approve Journal Entries to correct Title I and Title II funds.
8.I. Approve Grant Application Letter for the EDA Grant. This will include a $500,000 District match.
8.J. Approve Tuition Agreement with Beach Public School District.
8.K. Approve Coherent Governance
8.L. Motion to approve the Business Manager, Kent Anderson, as a designated signatory for the 2022-2023 term.
8.M. The Board shall consider participation in the following programs with corresponding local education association representatives:
Energy Infrastructure Impact Grant - Mr. Kent Anderson Title VI Indian Education - Mr. Kent Anderson Title I - Mr. Kent Anderson Title II - Mr. Kent Anderson Title III - Mr. Kent Anderson Title IV - Mr. Kent Anderson ESSER Grant - Mr. Kent Anderson ND Comprehensive Literacy Grant - Mr. Kent Anderson |
8.N. Approve Transportation Hiring Bonus
8.O. Authorize Administration to initiate an RFP for the Career and Technical building networking equipment.
8.P. Approve policy GAAE, Critical Race Theory, first reading.
8.Q. Accept resignation of Maria Carrier.
8.R. Approve Solution Tree professional development contracts, to be paid out of CLSD Grant funds.
9. Consent Agenda (Items on Consent Agenda can be processed with a single motion.)
The board shall consider payment of all bills and monthly financial status and previous board meeting minutes: 12/19/2022 Regular Meeting 12/21/2022 Special Meeting
10. Adjourn