February 6, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge
3. Roll Call
4. Call for changes to the Agenda-Consent Agenda (Items on the Consent Agenda which require discussion should be moved to the Regular Agenda at this time).
5. Superintendent's Report
5.A. Introduction of Williston Wonderettes
5.B. State Auditor's Office Presentation
6. Public Comment
7. Committee Report
8. Old Business
9. New Business
9.A. Request for representation organization for administrator negotiations
9.B. Request for representation organization for teacher negotiations
9.C. Approve Security Guard Position for the Williston High School
9.D. Approve Middle School Acceleration request
9.E. Approve Open Enrollment agreement from McKenzie County School District
9.F. Approval to remove Judith Billehus as signer for ASB bank accounts
9.G. Approve resignation of Marcus Staley
9.H. Approve resignation of Jamie Holte
10. Consent Agenda (Items on Consent Agenda can be processed with a single motion.)
The board shall consider payment of all bills and monthly financial status and previous board meeting minutes 01/23/2023 Regular School Board meeting minutes 01/26/2023 Special meeting minutes
11. Adjourn