December 9, 2024 at 5:30 PM - GORDON-RUSHVILLE SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION with the Americanism Committee prior at 5:00 pm
Agenda |
I. Open the Meeting
II. Call to Order/Nebraska Open Meetings Law
III. Recite Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Excuse Absent Members
V. Publication of Meeting
VI. Acceptance of the agenda
VII. Public Forum
VIII. Celebration of Excellence
IX. Reports
IX.A. Building Principals, Activity Director and SPED Director
IX.B. Superintendent
IX.C. Board Committees - Americanism Committee
IX.D. Other School Personnel
X. Consent Agenda
X.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Dist. 81-0010 of November 11, 2024, Finances: General Fund Bills $876,914.88, Building Fund Bills $0, Depreciation Fund Bills $0, Qualified Capital Fund Bills $0, Cooperative Fund Bills $0, Lunch Fund Bills $52,013.53, Transfers from General Fund to Investment Fund $435,500.00, from Building Fund to Investment Fund $1,100.00, accept resignations of Mary Thies, Cathy Hood, Ward Wacker, and Brittney Kearns with appreciation, approval of contracts - Connor Bila
XI. Discussion Items
XI.A. Discussion regarding Alicap Insurance and procedures for moving forward with selecting insurance for the district.
XI.B. Review of the following policies: 2017 - Indemnification and Liability Insurance, 3058 - Naming School Facilities and Property, 4002 - Drug Free Workplace, 4003 Drug Policy Regarding Drivers, 4004 Employment of Relatives, Domestic Partners and Significant Others, 4005 - Communication Between the Board and District Employees, 4010 - Inclement Weather, 4011.1 - Nebraska Family Military Leave Act, 4012 - Staff Internet and Computer Use, 4013 - Grievance Procedure
XI.C. Potential alternative schedule/calendar including four day week, early out, or hybrid schedule.
XII. Action Items
XII.A. Discuss, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action with Regard to: declare 2019 Carry On Trailer as surplus and to be sold.
XII.B. Discuss, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action with Regard to: approve revisions to policies 2008 - Meetings and 3004.1 - Fiscal Management for Purchasing and Procurement Using Federal Funds as presented.
XII.C. Discuss, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action with Regard to: approve superintendent contract.
XII.D. Discuss, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action with Regard to: approve the purchase of a new high jump landing system from Epic Sports for no more than $12,000.
XIII. Executive Session
XIV. Dates to Remember
XIV.A. Date of Next Regular Board Meeting - January 13, 2025 at 5:30 PM
XV. Adjournment