May 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Learning Community Coordinating Council
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Notice and Compliance with Open Meetings Act
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Council Minutes - April 15, 2021
5. Reports
5.a. Chair
5.a.i. Action Item: Motion to approve the contract with Parlay Consulting as the 2021 Strategic Plan Facilitator in an amount not to exceed $51,491.25.
5.a.ii. Action Item: Motion to approve the contract for the Needs Assessment in an amount not to exceed $38.478.00.
5.b. Treasurer
5.b.i. Action Item: Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report dated March 31, 2021
5.b.ii. Action Item: Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report dated April 30, 2021
5.c. Chief Executive Officer
5.d. LC Foundation
5.e. Legal Counsel
6. Public Comment
7. Learning Community Programming Update
7.a. Superintendents' Plan - BECI Presentation for the Superintendent's Early Childhood Plan Contract Renewal for 2021-2025.
7.b. Centers - OneWorld Community Health Centers Presentation for the Family Learning Program at the South Center Contract Renewal for 2021-2024.
7.c. District Initiatives
7.c.i. Action Item: Upon recommendation of Achievement Subcouncil 3, the motion to authorize
the CEO to enter ELC programming agreements with a school approved organization. The organization is to fund extended learning in the amount of $40,800. Summary Sheet (attached) for the 2021/2022 fiscal year. Approval is contingent upon Council approval of authorization of the elementary levy and the 2021/2022 fiscal year budget for the Learning Community. |
7.c.ii. Action Item: Upon recommendation of Achievement Subcouncil 6, the motion to authorize
the CEO to enter ELC programming agreements with a school districts to fund jumpstart and extended learning in the amount of $127,929.54 Summary Sheet (attached) for the 2021/2022 fiscal year. Approval is contingent upon Council approval of authorization of the elementary levy and the 2021/2022 fiscal year budget for the Learning Community. |
8. Subcommittee Reports
8.a. Elementary Learning and Diversity Subcommittee
8.b. Budget, Finance & Audit Subcommittee
8.c. Legislative Subcommittee - Legislative Review
9. New Business
10. Action Items
11. Unfinished Business
12. Next Council Meeting
13. Adjournment
Advisory Committee To Be Determined LC Coordinating Council June 17, 2021, 6:00 p.m. Subcouncil #1 May 27, 2021, 4:00 p.m. Subcouncil #2 To Be Determined Subcouncil #3 To Be Determined Subcouncil #4 To Be Determined Subcouncil #5 June 4, 2021, 2:00 p.m. Subcouncil #6 To Be Determined |