March 23, 2020 at 2:00 PM - Special Board Meeting
Agenda |
Opening Procedure, Regular Meeting of Board
Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
Additions to Published Agenda, if any
Welcome Extended to Visitors
Community Input on any Topic: This is your opportunity to speak to any topic concerning the school district. Since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action at this time on the matter. Future discussion can be requested as an agenda item. Thank you for your participation.
Community Input on Agenda Items: This is your opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. If you are not a part of the presentation of the agenda item you need to speak now. Thank you for your participation.
Reports/Information to the Board
Principals and Activities Director Reports, if needed
Superintendent Report
Action Items
COVID-19 Authority Resolution
The purpose of this resolution, recommended by KSB Law, is to provide the Superintendent the authority, with the consultation of the board president, to make district business decisions in the event the board is unable to convene in either a regular or electronic meeting format.
COVID-19 Return to Work Agreement
This work agreement does not need to be formally adopted by the board as long as the board has approved the COVID-19 Authority Resolution as presented in the previous agenda item. Otherwise, if the board did not approve the authority resolution, it could approve the return to work agreement as per board discretion or not at all.
Addendum to the Negotiated Agreement
The addendum is to allow the district to work with certified teaching employees in the event they, or a family member, would contract COVID-19 and therefore be unable to work and fulfill their teaching duties. This agreement is only for the 2019-20 school year contract or if COVID-19 is no longer a public health risk, whichever comes first. Their medical provider would have to provide documentation they have COVID-19 or it is likely they do have COVID-19.
If a teacher is ill, they will use their acquired sick leave. This addendum will only cover those who contract COVID-19.
The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for ______________, at ______ p.m. in the District Office. Current agendas will be available for public inspection in the office of the superintendent.