November 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Data Retreat (work session) & Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Opening Procedure, Regular Meeting of Board
Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome Extended to Visitors
Community Input on any Topic: This is your opportunity to speak to any topic concerning the school district. Since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action at this time on the matter. Future discussion can be requested as an agenda item. Thank you for your participation.
Community Input on Agenda Items: This is your opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. If you are not a part of the presentation of the agenda item you need to speak now. Thank you for your participation.
Consent Agenda
Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) , attached
Set the next regular meeting for December 13, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office. The current agenda will be available for public inspection in the office of the superintendent.
Payment of Claims, Authorization Report, attached
Cash Flow & Financial Reports
Reports/Information to the Board
TeamMates Presentation
Representative leadership from our TeamMates program will be available to present to the Board updates and information about our mentoring program.
Principals and Activities Director Reports, if needed
Superintendent Report
Action Items
NASB Policy Update - Policy 718.00
NDE is in the process of doing federal grants audits to ensure that districts have proper fiscal management internal control policies in place. This policy is written to meet that goal and should be included in your response to any such audits.
Much of this is in response to the federal dollars received by districts during the pandemic. We have these things in place and this new policy is recommended to assure those protocols are included in the policy. We continue to follow NDE guidance and work with our auditors at Dana F. Cole to be in compliance regarding the use of federal dollars.
Gym Bleacher Repair and Maintenance Quote
Heartland Seating has provided a quote to perform recommended maintenance and repair to our gym bleachers. The west bank of bleachers does not telescope in and out without having multiple people available to make sure the bleachers don't bind and have issues. There are several minor things that need to be addressed.
To my understanding, these bleachers were new in or about 2003 and have not been serviced by a professional since they were installed. The quote to address the issues and get our bleachers in full working order is $9,364. This is more costly than expected. Our other quote is nearly $5,000 to just get the company onsite without knowing the cost they will charge for all the repairs. Heartland is affiliated with the company that performed bleacher removal during the gym floor installation process. The goal is to get all repairs and maintenance taken care of now and then address the needs of the bleachers (routine maintenance, cleaning, etc.) on an annual basis with our own building staff.
The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for December 13, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office. The current agenda will be available for public inspection in the office of the superintendent.