January 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Public Hearings & Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Opening Procedure, Regular Meeting of Board
Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
Adjourn the 2024 Board of Education
Outgoing President Wilkins will announce the adjournment of the 2024 Board of Education and appoint a president pro tempore to begin the reorganization of the Board for 2025.
President Wilkins may appoint himself or a member of the board or the superintendent to act as President. Once the new President for 2024 is elected, that person will assume control of the meeting. _________________ is appointed President Pro-Tempore. |
Board Member Oath of Office
We will conduct the Oath of Office for re-elected Board Member Brad Wilkins and newly elected Board Members Jake Graff and Crystal Dailey.
Board Member Conflict of Interest Statement
It is recommended Board members disclose any possible conflict of interest at the annual reorganization meeting.
It is not uncommon to have connections that may appear to be a conflict of interest, especially in small rural districts. Board members filling out NADC Form C-2A help to take care of any issues or concerns with the matter. Once completed, the forms are kept on file in the district office and may be revised or removed as needed.
Election of Board Officers
Board members are encouraged to nominate each other or themselves for any office they are willing to serve. Those nomination forms received are included here.
Election of Board President
President Pro-Tempore will conduct the election for board president. The newly elected president will conduct the remainder of the elections and chair the remainder of the meeting.
The chair will call for nominations for the office. Nominations are to be made by any member and seconded by another member. If more than one name is placed in the nomination, the chair will call for a written ballot to be cast. The recording secretary will count the votes. If only one name is placed in the nomination, the chair may entertain a motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot. The motion requires a second, followed by a recall vote. |
Election of Board Vice President
The chair will call for nominations for the office. Nominations are to be made by any member and seconded by another member. If more than one name is placed in the nomination, the chair will call for a written ballot to be cast. The recording secretary will count the votes.
If only one name is placed in the nomination, the chair may entertain a motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot. The motion requires a second, followed by a recall vote. |
Election of Board Secretary/Treasurer
The chair will call for nominations for the office. Nominations are to be made by any member and seconded by another member. If more than one name is placed in the nomination, the chair will call for a written ballot to be cast. The recording secretary will count the votes.
If only one name is placed in the nomination, the chair may entertain a motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot. The motion requires a second, followed by a recall vote. |
Board Member Code of Ethics
The Board Member Code of Ethics is outlined in policy 202.01. Board members are being provided a copy of policy 202.01 for their reference as part of the January Board Reorganizational Meeting.
It is recommended by NASB for Boards to review the code of ethics policy periodically, which was last completed at the January 2024 regular meeting. |
Approval of Agenda
This allows the Board to approve the agenda as published according to policy 204.07.
Welcome Extended to Visitors
Community Input on any Topic: This is your opportunity to speak to any topic concerning the school district. Since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action at this time on the matter. Future discussion can be requested as an agenda item. Thank you for your participation.
Community Input on Agenda Items: This is your opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. If you are not a part of the presentation of the agenda item you need to speak now. Thank you for your participation.
Appointment of Recording Secretaries (2025)
The president will appoint Dedra Stoner, Lacey Marbry, and Dale Hafer as Recording Secretary(s) for the Board for 2025.
Appointment of the Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Coordinator for 2025
Currently, Elementary Principal Ben Wright serves as the district Title IX Coordinator and Superintendent Dale Hafer serves as the district Compliance Coordinator/Officer.
It is recommended we maintain the current appointments. |
Consent Agenda
Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) , attached
Set the next regular meeting for February 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office. The current agendas will be available for public inspection in the office of the superintendent.
Payment of Claims, Authorization Report, attached
Cash Flow & Financial Reports
Reports/Information to the Board
Principals and Activities Director Reports
Superintendent Report
Action Items
Establish Regular Meeting Dates, Time, and Place
Annually, the board approves the date(s) and place for the regular meetings of the board. Nebraska Statutes Revised §79-554 states that all board of education meetings for Class II districts shall be held on or before the third Monday of every month.
All board meetings shall be subject to open meeting laws as stated in §84-1408 to §84-1414. The President or any two members may call special meetings, but all members shall be notified. We have designated all meetings to be held at the District Office unless otherwise noted, advertised, and/or posted. Previously, the meeting times were set for 7:00 p.m. November through March and 8:00 p.m. April through October. The board may change the meeting times at its discretion. |
Board Committee Assignments for 2025
Annually, the board committee assignments are reorganized under the direction of the board president. President Wilkins has provided a document of appointed members to the various board committees for 2024.
The Board may approve the slate of committee assignments as presented or request the newly elected President revise the assignments if there are members who wish to change committees.
Publication of Legal Notices
The board shall designate the newspaper of general circulation to be used for the district legal notices and official publications. Additionally, the board may announce notices of special meetings and all other notices on KBRB radio and may post these notices in public places such as the US Post Office lobby, the Court House lobby, and the front door of Ainsworth High School. Notice will also be available via the public access link on the school district website.
Corporate Bank Resolutions
The district provides each bank with a corporate resolution to approve individuals and authorized signatures for district funds and accounts. The resolution requires two signatures among the three board officers for the Employee Benefit, Building, Depreciation, Hot Lunch, Bond, and General Funds.
The Superintendent, Board Secretary/Treasurer, and Business Manager are authorized to make short-term intra-fund transfers from one bank to another. Activity Fund checks may be signed by the superintendent or any two of the high school administrators and secretaries of the secondary school office. General Fund Clearing Account to be signed by any two of Dale Hafer, Dedra Stoner, and Lacey Marbry. It is noted that West Plains Bank will not be reviewing checks for two signatures. The district maintains a Safe Deposit box at Homestead Bank and the superintendent along with three elected board members have authorized signatures. |
Authorizations to Superintendent and Treasurer
To comply with board reorganization procedures and statutory requirements, the board should move to:
1. Authorize Treasurer to pay bills within limits of budget resolution. 2. Authorize Treasurer, per district office personnel, to invest all interim monies and funds as per policy. 3. Authorize Superintendent or designee: a. As the purchasing agent for the district. b. To receive tax monies and/or other receipts from the County Treasurer. c. To apply for and receive monies, receipts, and funds from all federal and state resources. d. To serve as custodian of and purchasing agent for Activity Fund accounts. e. To serve as hearing officer for any student suspensions or expulsions. |
Superintendent Goals for 2025
The Board developed the attached list of goals as a result of the Superintendent's evaluation in December in conjunction with ongoing efforts and initiatives.
As part of accountability and collaboration, the goals are presented to be recognized/approved by the board. The Superintendent will provide periodic updates to the goals throughout the upcoming year.
Approval of the Negotiated Agreement (2025-2027)
The AEA and Board Personnel and Negotiations Committee have reached an agreement for the 2025-26 and 2026-27 school years.
We will entertain approval of the negotiated agreement, minus the extra duty schedule this month. In February, we will finish the process and approve the extra duty schedule. This will allow Board members Doke and Graff to abstain.
Administrator Contracts for 2025-26: Closed Session
With the AEA settled with the Board as well as the Supt's Contract completed, it would be Mr. Hafer's preference to take care of the Principal's and AD's contracts. It is recommended to enter into closed session to protect the public interest and protect the needless injury to individual's reputation.
The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for February 10, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office. Current agendas will be available for public inspection in the office of the superintendent.