September 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Budget Hearing and Levy Setting Hearing and Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. 2024-25 Budget Hearing
II. Call Hearing to Order
III. The purpose of the Hearing is to review, discuss, consider, and receive input, and or support, opposition, criticism, suggestions or observations of taxpayers relating to the proposed budget.
III.A. Public Comment
III.B. Discussion
IV. Adjourn Budget Hearing
V. 2024-25 Levy Setting Hearing
VI. Call Hearing to Order
VII. The purpose of the hearing is to review, discuss, consider, and receive input, and or support, opposition, criticism, suggestions or observations from taxpayers relating to the proposed tax levy.
VII.A. Public Comment
VII.B. Discussion
VIII. Adjourn Levy Setting Hearing
IX. Open the meeting
IX.A. Call meeting to order and notice of Open Meetings Law
IX.A.i. Declaration of Open Meeting
IX.A.ii. Publication of the meeting
IX.B. District Mission Statement
X. Board Member Roll Call
XI. Approval of agenda and changes to agenda
XII. Approval of Consent Agenda
XII.A. Claims and Accounts
XII.B. Minutes from the August 14th Regular Board Meeting
XII.C. Minutes from the August 29th Special Meeting
XIII. Public Comment
XIV. Informational Reports
XIV.A. Administrator Reports
XIV.B. Superintendent Report
XV. Discussion Items
XV.A. Annual Report
XV.B. Board Goals
XVI. Action Items
XVI.A. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve the 2024-25 Budget as advertised.
XVI.B. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve the 2024-25 Levy Resolution as advertised.
XVI.C. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve the amended and updated policies from NASB.
XVII. Next Meeting
XVIII. Adjournment