April 8, 2024 at 7:30 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Reports and Information from Administration
2.A. Superintendent's Report
2.B. Principal Report
2.C. Building and Grounds Report
3. Action Items (Discuss, Consider, May take action on the following)
3.A. Routine Business - Consent Agenda
3.A.1. Excuse Absent Board Members (as necessary)
3.A.2. Minutes
3.A.3. Treasurers Report
3.A.4. Claims
3.B. Consider, discuss, and take action on the school program offerings for 2024-2025.
3.C. Consider, discuss, and take action on the classified staff package for 2024-2025.
3.D. Accept the resignation of Mrs. Deb Hightree at the end of the 2023-24 school year.
3.E. Accept the resignation of Mr. Aaron Stemen at the end of the 2023-24 school year.
3.F. Accept the resignation of Mr. Morgan Peatrowsky at the end of the 2023-24 school year.
3.G. Approve the teaching contract for Mr. Adam James for the 2024-2025 school year.
4. Future Meeting Dates
5. Adjournment