April 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Plattsmouth Board of Education Meeting
Agenda | |
1. Call Meeting to Order-Acknowledge Open Meetings Law
2. Roll Call: Foster, Caverzagie, Freeburg, Glup, Parsons, Priebe, Fitzpatrick, Brodersen, Winters
3. Public Forum: Reception of Delegates
4. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve Consent Agenda Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.1. Agenda
4.2. Minutes of the March 10, 2014 meeting
4.2.1. Minutes of the March 31, 2014 meeting
4.3. Treasurer's Report
4.4. Review of the Control Budget
4.5. Claim and transfers in the amount of $363,044.65
4.6. CJ Fenton-Early childhood birth to three
4.7. Resignations: Terri Ross-Elementary, Stephanie McMillan-Elementary, Melissa Macke-Middle School Math, Ed Waples-High School English, Jeff Meyer-High School Math, Jennifer Orvis-7-12 Vocal Music
5. Administrative Reports
5.1. High School Principal's Report
5.2. Middle School Principal's Report
5.3. Elementary Principal's Report
5.4. Superintendent's Report
5.5. Early Childhood Report
6. Action Items
6.1. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve the first reading of 3000 Business Operations (Finance)
6.2. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve the final reading of 5501 Transportation Policy and Guidelines.
6.3. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve the final reading of 1100A Application for Use of School Facilities.
6.4. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve the final reading of 1311 Technology Donations.
6.5. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve the final reading of 1300 Fundraising Activities.
6.6. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve the final reading of 5000 Students (Curriculum Committee).
6.7. Discuss, consider, and take all action approve the first reading of 5306 Drug Testing for Students in Extra-Curricular Activities.
6.8. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve the first reading of 5406 Search and Seizure.
6.9. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve the first reading of 4020 Employee Conduct and Appearance.
6.10. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve a field trip request for PHS wrestlers traveling to Fargo, ND in Jan. of 2015.
6.11. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve a trip request for DECA to compete in the International DECA competition in Atlanta during May of 2014.
6.12. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve a Destination Imagination trip to Knoxville, TN from May 19-25, 2014.
6.13. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve the Southeast Nebraska PowerSchool Cooperative Interlocal Agreement and related resolution for the period of Sept. 1, 2014, to Aug. 31, 2016.
6.14. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the Providing Opportunities for Plattsmouth Schools (POPS) Foundation.
6.15. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the TeamMates of Plattsmouth.
6.16. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve a 2014-2015 early graduation request for Dakota J. Colestock.
6.17. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve a 2014-2015 early graduation request for Kaitlin Vaughn.
6.18. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve a 2014-2015 early graduation request for Ryley Kellison.
6.19. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve a 2014-2015 early graduation request for Christian Pfeifer.
6.20. Discuss, consider, and take all action authorizing the Superintendent to draft specifications and solicit bids for the purchase of a wheel loader.
6.21. Discuss, consider, and take all action to approve an interlocal agreement with the City for movement of the Put Me In Coach statue from Memorial Field to the new PHS baseball/softball field.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. Announcements
7.1. Next meeting:
8. ADJOURNMENT. Time________________