July 10, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Meeting Agenda
Agenda |
A. Routine Business
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
A.1. Call to Order
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
A.2. Roll Call
Board Secretary
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
A.3. Open Meetings Law
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
The Bellevue Board of Education abides by the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. A copy of the law is posted on the wall of our Board room. |
A.4. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Procedural Item
B. Consent Agenda
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Agenda
Administrative Recommendation: The information in sections B, C, and E were sent to all members of the Board of Education for review. The administration recommends approval by consent of the items in section B of the agenda identified with an asterisk and receipt of the information and proposals in sections C and E identified with an asterisk. |
B.1. *Approval of Minutes
Board Secretary
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Administrative Recommendation: Approve the Minutes of the June 5, 2023, Board of Education meeting.
B.2. *Treasurer's Report
Susan Brooks
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Administrative Recommendation: Acknowledge receipt of the Treasurer's Report for June, 2023.
B.3. *Payment of Claims
Jeff Rippe
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Administrative Recommendation: Approve the payment of claims totaling $1,405,587.23.
B.4. *Release from Contract
Sharra Smith
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Administrative Recommendation:1) Jennifer Niemeyer be released from her contract effective May 24, 2023.
B.5. *Election of New Teachers
Sharra Smith
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Administrative Recommendation:(1) Alex Larson and (2) Breanna Potter be elected to the certified staff for the 2023-24 school year effective August 4, 2023 subject to their release from any contractual agreements with other school districts.
C. Action Items
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
C.1. Hearing on Student Fees
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Nebraska Statute 79-2,134 requires the Board of Education to annually hold a public hearing to review the student fees policy. The statute also requires a review of the amount of money collected from students pursuant to, and the use of waivers provided in, the student fees policy for the prior school year.
In accordance with the statute, the Bellevue Public Schools collected $1,580,674 for the provision of breakfast and lunch through the school lunch program. The District also collected $54,260 for reimbursement to the school district for student activity cards, property lost or damaged by students, materials used for alternative projects when the completed project became the property of the student, and fees for late library books. Attached is a copy of the Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 504.19.
C.2. Frank Kumor Career Center
Jeff Rippe
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Tonight, the administration will ask the Board to approve a lease agreement between the Bellevue Public Schools and the Bellevue Public Schools Foundation for office space at the Frank Kumor Career Center.
C.3. *Board Policy Review
Jeff Rippe
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
The following policies were presented for review by the Board at the June meeting and presented tonight for review by consent:
501 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students - Reviewed 502.01 Resident Students - Reviewed 502.02 Non-Resident Students/Option Enrollment - Reviewed 502.04 Attendance Areas and Assignment of Students - Reviewed 502.05 Student Enrollment and Transfer - Reviewed 502.08 Foreign Student Exchange Program - Reviewed 502.09 Alternative School, Class or Program - Reviewed 502.50 Option Enrollment - Reviewed 503.01 Compulsory Attendance - Reviewed 504 Staff Use of Seclusion and Restraint - Reviewed 504.01 Students Rights and Responsibilities - Reviewed 504.02 Bully Prevention - Reviewed 504.03 Student Control and Discipline - Reviewed 504.06 Student Attire and Grooming - Reviewed 504.181 Sexual Harassment of Students - Reviewed 504.19 Student Fees - Reviewed 504.21 Dating Violence Prevention - Reviewed 506.02 Student Organization-School Sponsored - Revised 506.021 Student Organization-Non Sponsored - Reviewed
D. Commendations
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
E. Information Items
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
E.1. 2023-24 Budget Discussion
Susan Brooks
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
In August the Board will be asked to approve for publication the 2023-24 budget. Tonight, the Board will be given a report on the progress of the current budget and the forecast for spending and revenue for 2023-24.
E.2. Diversity and Equity Committee Update
Robert Moore
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
The administration will provide the Board with an update on the Diversity and Equity Committee.
E.3. 2023-24 Board Meeting Calendar
Jeff Rippe
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Tonight, the Board will discuss the 2023-24 Board Meeting Calendar and any possible changes or additions.
E.4. Board Policy Review
Jeff Rippe
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
The following policies will be presented for review:
506.06 School Publications - Review 506.08 Fund Raising by Students and Parents - Review 506.081 Soliciting Funds from Students - Review 506.09 Student Activity Funds - Review 506.11 Cooperative Sponsorship of Nebraska School Activities Association Activities - Review 506.12 Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in Student Activities - Review 508.01 Student Health and Immunization Checkups - Revise 508.02 Administration of Medication to Students - Revise 508.03 Communicable Disease - Review 508.12 Asthma and Allergic Reaction Protocol - Review 508.13 Wellness and Nutrition - Review 508.15 Concussion Awareness - Review 508.19 Behavioral Points of Contact - Adopt 509.04 Sale of Items to Students - Review 509.11 Firearms and Destructive Devices - Revise 510.10 Homeless Children and Youth - Review 512 Pregnant and Parenting Students - Review 513 Requests to Contact Students and Student Interviews by Non-School Personnel - Review 514 Bellevue Public Schools Memorial Guidelines - Review The board policies are presented for review with approval scheduled for the August Board meeting.
E.5. *Administrative Regulation Review
Jeff Rippe
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
The following Administrative Regulation will be presented for review:
502.021 Non-Resident Student Tuition Fees - Reviewed 502.04 Attendance Area and Student Assignment - Revised 502.041 Attendance Area and Student Assignment - Eliminated 502.05 Student Enrollment and Transfer - Reviewed 502.08 Foreign Student Exchange Program - Reviewed 502.09 Alternative School, Class, and Program - Revised 504.01 Student Rights and Responsibilities - Revised 504.03 Student Control and Discipline - Revised 504.06 Student Attire and Grooming - Reviewed 504.181 Sexual Harassment of Students - Reviewed 504.19 Student Fees - Reviewed 508.13 Wellness and Nutrition - Revised
E.6. *Committee on American Civics
Nicole Fox
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
The Board received a copy of the 2022-2023 Statement of Assurance form that is signed by principals that are in compliance with State Statue 79-724.
E.7. *Multicultural Education Program Evaluation
Nicole Fox
Agenda Item Type:
Consent Item
Nebraska Department of Education Rule 10 requires that the District Multicultural Education Program include arrangements to "Provide an annual status report of multicultural education to the local board of education" and "By November 1, 1995, and annually thereafter, each school district shall present evidence, in a form prescribed by the Department, that multicultural education is being taught to students in accordance with the multicultural program approved in 004.01F."
Curriculum: The District curriculum guides incorporate multicultural education. To ensure that the multicultural curriculum was implemented, teaching staff signed a "Verification of Completion" form on which the teachers indicated that they taught the appropriate multicultural concept activities in the curriculum. These forms were then submitted to the building principals. Attached is a copy of the "Verification of Completion" form signed by each principal. This form is an assurance that the required multicultural education curriculum activities, or approved alternatives, were conducted in the principal's buildings. Professional Development: Providing professional development opportunities for staff members is also required by Rule 10. Nebraska teacher certification requires a human relations course. In addition, the District has a process for provision of professional development in multicultural education including professional development for administrators, teachers, and support staff which is congruent with the District and program goals. Classes and workshops related to multicultural education were available for staff through the ESU, as well as area colleges and universities. The Curriculum Development Model and New Teacher Induction Program both address concepts and the importance of Multicultural Education.
F. Public Comment Period
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
Public Comment pertaining to items not otherwise on the Agenda must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board five days prior to the Board meeting.
Edward T. Ventura, Jr. - Racist Mascots Jeffrey S. York - Code 511 Privacy Policy for Transgender Students |
G. Board of Education Member Reports on Meetings They Have Attended
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
BPS Foundation - Scott Eby, Maureen McNamara and Nina Wolford Other Meetings Attended |
H. Future Business
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Information Item
July 31 - August 3, New Teacher Orientation
August 3, New Teachers Luncheon, BPS Lied Activity Center, 11:30 am August 7, Board of Education Meeting, Welcome Center, 6:30 p.m. August 8, BPS Vendor Expo, Bellevue East Cafeteria, 7:30-8:15 a.m. August 8, All-Staff General Session, Bellevue East Auditorium, 8:30 a.m. August 9, Years of Service Recognition Luncheon, Welcome Center, 12 noon |
I. Adjourn
Board President
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Adjourn the July 10, 2023, meeting of the Board of Education.