June 23, 2022 at 12:00 PM - Board of Education 2nd Monthly Meeting
Agenda |
1. Date Public Notice Appeared in the Norfolk Daily News:
2. Call to Order
The Norfolk Public School District's board of education meeting is called to order.
2.1. Roll Call
If any board member is absent, there will need to be a motion to excuse the absence.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to excuse the absence of Sandy Wolfe passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2.2. Declaration of a Legal Meeting
This is a legal meeting of the board of education, as advertised by the means specified in board policy. A complete copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the board room for your review. A copy of the agenda is available at the desk of the recording secretary.
3. Discuss, consider and take action to approve contracts
~Katherine Perrigan
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the contract as listed passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
4. Executive Session If Needed to Protect the Interest of the District or to Prevent Needless Injury to the Reputation of an Individual.
4.1. Convene Executive Session -- If Needed to Protect the Interest of the District or to Prevent Needless Injury to the Reputation of an Individual.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Convene Executive Session -- as Needed to Protect the Interest of the District or to Prevent Needless Injury to the Reputation of an Individual passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
4.2. Reconvene Meeting from Executive Session
4.3. Approval of Any Action Deemed Necessary as a Result of Executive Session
5. Discuss, consider and take action to approve resignations
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve resignations passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
6. Future Meetings
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, July 11, 2022. There will not be a Study Session. The regular business meeting will start at 5:30 PM. All components of these meetings will be held at the NPS Central Administration Offices and will be open to the public unless an Executive Session is needed in order to protect the interest of the district or the reputation of an individual.
7. Adjournment