February 5, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Special Committee of the Whole Meeting of the Kearney Public Schools Board of Education
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Open Meetings Act Announcement
This is an open, public meeting of the Kearney Public Schools Board of Education, and a copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in this room.
3. Board Meeting Decorum Expectations
Kearney Public Schools welcomes all guests to our public meetings. It is the intention of the Kearney Public Schools Board of Education that all those present at the Board of Education meetings, whether Board members, KPS staff, or members of the public, act and treat each other with honor and respect. Guests are expected to refrain from speaking during the meeting unless asked to address the Board of Education by the Board President or during their allotted time in public participation. If anyone attending the meeting is determined by the President to be disruptive or a detriment to the procession of the meeting by their words or actions, that person or persons, may be asked by the President to leave the meeting at any time. Anyone who refuses to leave will be escorted from the meeting by either school personnel or a police officer and could be legally barred from attending future meetings. Thank you for helping us to have a respectful meeting forum for everyone to enjoy.
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to approve the agenda of the meeting, as presented.
6. Public Participation/Comment
Board meetings must have on the agenda, a specific time entitled Public Participation/Comment, during which patrons may address the Board on matters of general concern. No public body shall require members of the public to identify themselves as a condition for admission to the meeting, nor shall such body require that the name of any members of the public be placed on the agenda prior to such meeting in order to speak about items on the agenda. Patrons wishing to address the Board during the Public Participation/Comment will be allowed up to three (3) minutes per speaker to express their view. Public Participation/Comment may not exceed thirty (30) total minutes. The Board-imposed time limits may be extended by a majority vote of the Board, following a motion to do so. Board action may not be taken on matters discussed during the Public Participation/Comment, unless the matter specifically appears on the prepared agenda. Board of Education members will refrain from expressing personal opinions during Public Participation/Comment.
Any members of the public desiring to address the body shall be required to sign in with the recording secretary prior to the start of the meeting and identify himself or herself, including an address, phone number, and name of any organization represented by such person, unless the address and phone number requirement is waived to protect the security of the individual. |
7. Agenda
7.A. Preview of the February 10, 2025 Regular Meeting Agenda
7.A.I. Recognition of Central Elementary School Being Named a National Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Distinguished School By the State Education Agency in Nebraska
7.A.II. Recognition of Kearney High School Senior, Drew Welch, For Achieving a Perfect Score on the ACT
7.A.III. Presentation by Chance Waggoner, Park Elementary School Principal on Student Leadership
7.A.IV. Construction Update
7.A.V. Legislative Update
7.A.VI. Approval of JROTC Truman Raider Meet Trip, April 26-30, 2025, to Independence, Missouri (with no direct costs incurred by the school district)
7.A.VII. Approval of the JROTC Black Hills Raider Meet Trip, April 25-26, 2025 to Rapid City, South Dakota (with no direct costs incurred by the school district)
7.A.VIII. Acceptance of Resignations and Retirements - Emma Allen, Chris Loofe, Kim Loofe and Suzanne Morgan
7.A.IX. Approval of the Employment of Certificated Staff - Kelli Bauer
7.A.X. Approval of the Employment of Administrative Staff - Alyssa Clay and Cassie Houser
7.A.XI. Approval of Bid for Chromebooks
7.A.XII. Approval of a Change to the 2024-2025 School Calendar
7.B. Tobin Buchanan Presentation - Bond Tenders
7.C. Dual Credit Enrollment (Policy 5004)
7.D. Update on 6-12 HAL Programming
7.E. Managing Significant Threats
7.F. Update on Middle School Scheduling Adjustments and Discussion of Future Enrollment
7.G. Facility Naming - KHS South and Glenwood
7.H. Update on Board Policy and Handbook Revisions
7.I. Closed Session
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to a closed session to discuss personnel matters, to prevent needless injury to the reputation of an individual and if such individual has not requested a public meeting
7.J. Return to Open Session
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to return to open session.
8. Adjournment
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to adjourn the meeting.