February 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Monthly Meeting of the Kearney Public Schools Board of Education
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Routine Business
1.A. Call to Order
1.B. Open Meetings Act Announcement
This is an open, public meeting of the Kearney Public Schools Board of Education, and a copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in this room.
1.C. Board Meeting Decorum Expectations
Kearney Public Schools welcomes all guests to our public meetings. It is the intention of the Kearney Public Schools Board of Education that all those present at the Board of Education meetings, whether Board members, KPS staff, or members of the public, act and treat each other with honor and respect. Guests are expected to refrain from speaking during the meeting unless asked to address the Board of Education by the Board President or during their allotted time in public participation. If anyone attending the meeting is determined by the President to be disruptive or a detriment to the procession of the meeting by their words or actions, that person or persons, may be asked by the President to leave the meeting at any time. Anyone who refuses to leave will be escorted from the meeting by either school personnel or a police officer and could be legally barred from attending future meetings. Thank you for helping us to have a respectful meeting forum for everyone to enjoy.
1.D. Pledge of Allegiance
1.E. Roll Call
1.E.I. Excuse Absent Board Member
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to excuse absent Board member_______________from the meeting.
1.F. Approval of the Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to approve the agenda for the meeting, as presented.
2. Recognitions
2.A. Recognition of Central Elementary School Being Named a National Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Distinguished School By the State Education Agency in Nebraska
The National ESEA Distinguished Schools Program publicly recognizes qualifying federally funded schools for the outstanding academic achievements of their students. It highlights the efforts of schools nationwide making significant improvements for their students. Central Elementary is one of 69 schools nationwide recognized for exceptional student achievement in 2024.
2.B. Recognition of Kearney High School Senior Drew Welch For Achieving a Perfect Score on the ACT
On January 22, 2025, the University of Nebraska System formally recognized Drew Welch as qualifying for the university's Presidential Scholars program. Launched in February 2024, the Presidential Scholars program provides a full-ride academic scholarship, plus a $5,000 annual stipend, to every high school senior who graduates from a Nebraska high school, receives a perfect 36 on the ACT and attends college at the University of Nebraska.
3. Presentations
3.A. Presentation by Chance Waggoner, Park Elementary School Principal on Student Leadership
3.B. Construction Update
4. Legislative Update
5. Public Participation/Comment
Board meetings must have on the agenda, a specific time entitled Public Participation/Comment, during which patrons may address the Board on matters of general concern. No public body shall require members of the public to identify themselves as a condition for admission to the meeting, nor shall such body require that the name of any members of the public be placed on the agenda prior to such meeting in order to speak about items on the agenda. Patrons wishing to address the Board during the Public Participation/Comment will be allowed up to five (5) minutes per speaker to express their view. Public Participation/Comment may not exceed sixty (60) total minutes. The Board-imposed time limits may be extended by a majority vote of the Board, following a motion to do so. Board action may not be taken on matters discussed during the Public Participation/Comment, unless the matter specifically appears on the prepared agenda. Board of Education members will refrain from expressing personal opinions during Public Participation/Comment.
Any members of the public desiring to address the body shall be required to sign in with the recording secretary prior to the start of the meeting and identify himself or herself, including an address, phone number, and name of any organization represented by such person, unless the address and phone number requirement is waived to protect the security of the individual. |
6. Board Reports
7. Consent Agenda
Note: Items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted under one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items at the meeting unless a Board Member requests an item removed from the agenda for a separate action.
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to approve the items on the Consent Agenda, as presented.
7.A. Approval of Minutes of the January 13, 2025 Regular Meeting, the January 27, 2025 Special Winter Retreat Meeting, and the February 5, 2025 Board Committee of the Whole Meeting, of the Board of Education
7.B. Approval of the January Claims
7.C. Approval of the January Financial Reports
7.D. Approval of the JROTC Truman Raider Meet Trip, April 18-19, 2025, to Independence, Missouri (with no direct costs incurred by the school district)
7.E. Approval of the JROTC Black Hills Raider Meet Trip, April 25-26, 2025 to Rapid City, South Dakota (with no direct costs incurred by the school district)
8. Regular Agenda - Personnel
8.A. Acceptance of Resignations and Retirements
The resignations of Emma Allen, 7th grade English teacher at Horizon Middle School; Dr. Chris Loofe, associate superintendent and director of finance at Kearney Public Schools; Kim Loofe, special education teacher at Hanny Arram Center for Success; and the retirement resignation of Suzanne Morgan, 3rd grade teacher at Meadowlark Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to accept, with regret, the resignations and retirement as presented.
8.B. Approval of the Employment of Certificated Staff
Kelli Bauer, MA, Step 14, 1.0 FTE 4th grade teacher at Park Elementary School; Madison Felt, BA, Step 3, 1.0 FTE special education teacher (TLC) at Kenwood Elementary School; Allysen Gross, BA, Step 3, 1.0 FTE special education teacher (Level II) at Sunrise Middle School; Jessie Huffman, MA+36, Step 6, 1.0 FTE school psychologist for Kearney Public Schools; Tyler Jensen-Sadler, BA, Step 3, 1.0 FTE 5th grade teacher at Bryant Elementary School; Colin Jones, BA, Step 3, 1.0 FTE science teacher at Kearney High School; Marissa Kalb, BA, Step 3, FTE 1.0 2nd grade teacher at Bryant Elementary School; Jacob McCarthy, MA, Step 8, 1.0 FTE adaptive physical education teacher for Kearney Public Schools; Cooper McIntosh, BA, Step 3, 1.0 FTE 8th grade math teacher at Horizon Middle School; Joshua Paisley, BA, Step 3, 1.0 FTE 8th grade science teacher at Horizon Middle School; Meg Schluns, BA, Step 3, 1.0 FTE 1st grade teacher at Bryant Elementary School; Dana Stelling, BA+9, Step 5, 1.0 FTE 7th grade English language arts teacher at Horizon Middle School; Breanna Trampe, BA, Step 3, 1.0 FTE teacher at Kearney High School; for the 2025-2026 school year.
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to employ the certificated staff at Kearney Public Schools for the 2025-2026 school year as presented.
8.C. Approval of the Employment of Administrative Staff
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to employ as administrative staff, Kyle Heilbrun as principal of the K-5 Alternative School; Alyssa Clay and Cassie Houser as special education supervisors for Kearney Public Schools, for the 2025-2026 school year.
9. Regular Agenda - Business
9.A. Approval of Bid for Chromebooks
Requests for quotes were sent out to multiple vendors on December 13, 2024, for Chromebooks for 5th and 9th grades and upgrades to Kenwood technology. We received multiple quotes from 6 vendors prior to the January 24, 2025, deadline. These quotes were reviewed based on the district's requirements, delivery dates, auto update policy and the evaluation rubric.
Based on these quotes and requirements of KPS, it is the recommendation that the bid for Chromebooks this year be awarded to Connection in the amount of $300,195.00.
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to accept the bid from Connection for Chromebooks for 5th and 9th grades and upgrades to Kenwood technology, in the amount of $300,195.00.
10. Regular Agenda - Miscellaneous
10.A. Approval of the First Reading of Revised Board Policy 5004 Dual Credit Enrollment
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to approve the first reading of revised Board Policy 5004 Dual Credit Enrollment, as presented.
10.B. Approval of the Naming of the KHS South Building as "The Paw," Kearney High School Performance and Activity Wing
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to approve the naming of the KHS South Building as "The Paw," Kearney High School Performance and Activity Wing.
11. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Kearney Public Schools Board of Education will be held on March 10, 2025 at 5:30 P.M. in the Staff Development Room in the Administration Building at 320 West 24th St, Kearney, NE 68845.
12. Adjournment
Recommended Motion(s):
Move to adjourn the meeting.