September 21, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Public Works Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Items of Business
3.A. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on approving sidewalk painting for the Great Pumpkin Festival.
3.B. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on approving the Right-of-Way Permit request from Black Hills Energy for gas main relocation in north Crete.
3.C. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on awarding the Linden Ave and 12th Street Asphalt Overlay Project to Constructors, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $115,000.
3.D. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on awarding the railway boring project for the West Crete water and sewer extension to Horizontal Boring & Tunneling for the amount of $244,120.
3.E. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on awarding the West Crete 13th Street water and sewer project to Van Kirk for the amount of $229,641.
3.F. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on adopting Resolution 2021-11: A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance.
3.G. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on entering into an agreement with Mid-State Engineering & Testing to conduct a Geotechnical Engineering Study for a new lift station at 22nd and Ivy.
3.H. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on enacting Ordinance 2139: An ordinance relating to the duties and responsibilities of the Director of Public Works.
4. Officers' Reports
5. Adjournment