April 18, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order. Roll Call.
2. Acknowledge of Open Meetings Law posting.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Recognitation of public participation
5. Visitors and Communication from the public.
6. Approval of changes in the mailed agenda and/or changes in the agenda order.
7. Approval of Consent Agenda Items.
7.1. Approval of Minutes of previous meetings
7.2. Acceptance of Financial Reports
7.3. Action on Claims
7.4. Approval of Contracts
8. Administrators' and Practitioners' Reports
8.1. Ms. Bray
8.2. Mr. Jacobsen
8.3. Dr. Kassebaum
9. Board Report
10. Old Business
10.1. Motion to excuse /approve the absence of board member(s)
10.2. Discussion and action to approve administrator(s) contract(s).
11. New Business
11.1. Discussion and action to approve resignation of certificate staff
11.2. Approval of the hiring of certificated staff
11.3. Discussion and action to approve long term certificated substitute
11.4. Discussion and action to approve non-certificated substitute
11.5. Discussion and action to approve college tuition reimbursement plan with certificiated employee in accordance with the AGPS Master Agreement
11.6. Discussion and action to adopt revised school calendar
11.7. Discussion and action to sign letter of support for the Ashland West Bypass Proposal
11.8. Discussion and action to approve overnight travel request and financial support of FBLA National Qualifiers
11.9. Discussion on district safety and wellness meeting
11.10. Establish a date and time for the Non-Certified Wage and Benefit Committee to meet and to review wage and benefits for 2016-17 for employees working in non-certified positions
12. Informational Items
13. Call for Next Meeting
14. Adjournment