July 18, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order. Roll Call.
2. Acknowledge of Open Meetings Law posting.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Recognitation of public participation
5. Visitors and Communication from the public.
6. Approval of changes in the mailed agenda and/or changes in the agenda order.
7. Approval of Consent Agenda Items.
7.1. Approval of Minutes of previous meetings
7.2. Acceptance of Financial Reports
7.3. Action on Claims
7.4. Approval of Contracts
8. Administrators' and Practitioners' Reports
8.1. Administrators
8.2. Mr. Libal
9. Old Business
9.1. Motion to excuse /approve the absence of board member(s)
9.2. Discussion and action to approve Staff Hanbooks
9.3. Discussion and action to approve Student Handbooks
9.4. Discussion and action to approve the hiring of non-certificated staff
10. New Business
10.1. Report on Ashland-Greenwood Census Report
10.2. Discussion and action to approve substitute pay rates
10.3. Discussion and action to approve Kansas City Band Trip
10.4. Bullying Policy
10.4.1. Review Anti Bullying policy 5415
10.4.2. Discuss, consider, and take action to either alter the Anti-Bulllying Policy and then adopt the policy as altered or to reaffirm the Anti-Bullying Policy
10.5. Attendance Policy 5008
10.5.1. Review atendance policy
10.5.2. Discuss, consider and take action to reaffirm the Attendance Policy, if determinde appropriate
10.6. Discussion and action to approve Student Admission policy 5001
10.7. Discussion and action to approve policy additions and revisions
10.7.1. New Policy 6284
10.7.2. New Policy 4026
10.7.3. New Policy 4027
10.8. Closed Session: For the protection of the public interest and for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual(s): Personnel and the evaluation of job performance
11. Informational Items
12. Call for Next Meeting
13. Adjournment.