June 19, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order. Roll Call.
2. Acknowledge of Open Meetings Law posting.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Recognition of public participation
5. Visitors and Communication from the public.
6. Approval of changes in the mailed agenda and/or changes in the agenda order.
7. Approval of Consent Agenda Items.
7.1. Approval of Minutes of previous meetings
7.2. Acceptance of Financial Reports
7.3. Action on Claims
7.4. Approval of Contracts
7.5. Motion to excuse /approve the absence of board member(s)
8. Administrators' and Practitioners' Reports
8.1. Ms. Finkey
8.2. Ms. Bray
8.3. Mr. Jacobsen
8.4. Mr. Libal
9. Old Business
9.1. Discussion related to refinancing of school bonds.
9.2. Discussion and action to approve district wellness policy. (Attached)
9.3. Discussion on Certified and Non-Certified Staff Handbooks. (Attached)
9.4. Discussion on Student Handbooks. (Attached)
9.5. Discussion and action to approve non-certified pay range. (Attached)
9.6. Discussion and action on wages and benefits for employees working in positions that do not require a teaching certificate.
10. New Business
10.1. Discussion and action to approve the hiring of non-certified position: Elementary Nurse (Attached)
10.2. Discussion and action to approve resignation of non-certified positions.
10.3. Discussion and action to approve extra-duty coaching resignation.
10.4. Discussion and action to approve Hot Lunch prices for the 2017-18 school term. (Attached)
10.5. Discussion and action to approve policy additions and revisions. (Attached)
10.6. Discussion and action to approve elementary copier purchase. (Attached)
10.7. Discussion and action to approve district surplus sale items. (Attached)
10.8. Discussion and review of 2016-17 superintendent's evaluation.
10.9. Discussion and action to approve asbestos abatement related to the Rose property.
11. Informational Items
12. Call for Next Meeting
12.1. The next meeting is set for July 17th, 2017. The meeting will include the holding of a public hearing to discuss, consider, and receive input on the student fee policy and the parental involvement policy. All meetings are held in Ashland-Greenwood Middle/High School, Conference Room at 1842 Furnas Street, Ashland, NE 68003. Notice of the meetings are posted in advance in the District Office, 1842 Furnas St., Ashland, NE, Farmers & Merchants Bank, 1501 Silver St., Ashland
13. Adjournment.
13.1. Board of Education Information: