September 19, 2011 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order. Roll Call
2. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Law posting
3. Recognition of public participation
4. Visitors and Communication from the public
5. Approval of changes in the mailed agenda and/or changes in the agenda order
6. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
7. Administrators' and Practitioners' reports
7.1. Ms. Bray
7.2. Mr. Jacobsen
7.3. Dr. Kassebaum
8. Old Business
8.1. Consideration and action on the Property Tax Resolution
8.2. Discussion and action to approve the hiring of para-professional
9. New Business
9.1. Discussion about Kingery Construction Plaque
9.2. Action to approve Julie Warford as substitute
10. Informational items
10.1. NASB Area Membership meeting: 9-21-11; Departure time 3:45p.m.
10.2. NASB State Convention: November 16th - 17th
11. Personnel Item to be discussed in closed session
12. Reconvene
13. Call for next meeting
14. Adjournment