May 31, 2012 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call To Order, Roll Call
2. Notice of Open Meetings Statute
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Information Item
5. Action Item
5.1. Approve Sprinkler Proposal for the Football Field and Practice Field.
6. Approve and/or take action deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board of Education in regard to personnel.
7. Approve and/or take action deemed necessary by the Board of Education for timely and efficient management of the district.
8. Reports:
8.1. Committee Reports:
8.1.1. Finance and Personnel
8.1.2. Building and Grounds
8.1.3. Transportation
8.1.4. Instruction and Americanism
9. Next meeting dates and time
10. Adjournment