June 13, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call To Order, Roll Call
2. Notice of Open Meetings Statute
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Financial Report
4.3. Reading and approval of general fund bills in the amount of $294,325.04. Check #32100 to 32157.
4.4. Approve transfer of $294,325.04 from MMDA checking to general fund checking. Checks #32100 to 32157.
4.5. Reading and approval of building fund bills in the amount of $66,700.30. Checks #1683-1684.
4.6. Reading and approval of bond fund bills in the amount of $250.00. Checks #1043.
4.7. Activity Fund Report
4.8. Reading and approval of the Lunch fund bills in the amount of $7,292.39. Checks #8278 to 8306.
4.9. Vehicle Use by Coaches/Sponsors for Summer Camps
4.10. Approve the 2022-2023 Milk Bid with Highland Dairy for the 22-23 school year.
5. Information Item
5.1. School Safety Protocols and Discussion for the upcoming year.
5.2. Discussion on Lunch Prices for the 2022-2023 School Year.
5.3. 2022-23 Student Handbook w/changes discussion.
5.4. 2022-23 Student Activity handbook discussion
5.5. 2022-23 Staff Handbook w/changes discussion.
6. Action Item
6.1. Discuss, Consider and Take action to Recognize and Congratulate the Sphero Students and Sponsors on their World Competition Placing.
6.2. Discuss, Consider and Take action to Recognize and Congratulate the State Science Olympiad Students and Coaches.
6.3. Discuss, Consider and Take action to Recognize and Congratulate the State Track Students and Coaches.
6.4. Discuss, Consider and Take action to Recognize and Congratulate the State Golf Students and Coaches.
6.5. Discuss, Consider and Take action on the resignation of board member Mitch Mitchell.
6.6. Discuss, Consider and Take action to Ratify a Teacher Agreement for Amy Dickmander to teach Math and Business.
6.7. Discuss, Consider and Take action on the Sale or Disposal of School Property in regards to disposal of Library books. School Board Policy 3019.
6.8. Discuss, Consider and Take action on the Proposed Compensation for Classified Staff and Substitute Pay for the 2022-2023 school year.
6.9. Discuss, Consider and Take action on the Proposed Elementary Principal Compensation for the 2022-2023 school year.
6.10. Discuss, Consider and Take action on the Proposed Superintendent Compensation for the 2022-2023 school year.
6.11. Discuss, Consider and Take action to Accept the Resignation of Staff Members.
6.12. Excuse Absent Board Members
7. Reports:
7.1. Report of the Superintendent
7.2. Report of the Principal
7.3. Committee Reports:
7.3.1. Finance and Personnel
7.3.2. Building and Grounds
7.3.3. Transportation
7.3.4. Instruction and Americanism
8. Next meeting dates and time
9. Adjournment